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Title: Estimasi Kerugian Ekonomi Masyarakat dan Alternatif Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sungai Siak (Studi Kasus: Desa Rawang Air Putih, Kecamatan Siak, Kabupaten Siak, Provinsi Riau)
Other Titles: Economic Loss Estimation and Management Policy Alternatives of Siak River (Case Study: Rawang Air Putih Village, Siak Sub district, Siak Regency, Riau Province)
Authors: Kusumastanto, Tridoyo
Pramudita, Danang
Larasaty, Shahilla
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Guna memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari, masyarakat sekitar sangat bergantung dengan keberadaan Sungai Siak. Saat ini, Sungai Siak telah tercemar oleh limbah dari aktivitas industri yang terus meningkat. Tercemarnya Sungai Siak merugikan perekonomian masyarakat sekitar karena mereka perlu mengeluarkan biaya tambahan untuk mengakses air bersih dari sumber lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisa persepsi masyarakat Desa Rawang Air Putih terhadap pencemaran Sungai Siak, (2) mengestimasi nilai kerugian ekonomi masyarakat Desa Rawang Air Putih yang disebabkan oleh pencemaran Sungai Siak, (3) mengestimasi nilai kompensasi (Willingness to Accept/WTA) kerugian masyarakat Desa Rawang Air Putih, dan (4) merumuskan alternatif kebijakan pengelolaan Sungai Siak. Metode survei digunakan sebagai metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini. Data primer dan sekunder adalah dua jenis data digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengambilan contoh adalah metode sensus dan purposive sampling. Metode analisis data menggunakan Skala Likert, Replacement Cost, Cost of Illness, Loss of Income, Contingent Valuation Method, dan Analytical Hierachy Process. Menurut hasil penelitian, responden di Desa Rawang Air Putih menyatakan bahwa Sungai Siak telah tercemar dan mengakibatkan kerugian ekonomi bagi masyarakat. Kerugian ekonomi yang ditanggung responden di Desa Rawang Air Putih rata-rata mencapai Rp 974.854/KK/tahun. Nilai dugaan rata-rata WTA kerugian responden dalam penelitian ini mencapai Rp 2.036.841/KK/tahun. Kompensasi yang diharapkan responden di Desa Rawang Air Putih yaitu kompensasi dalam bentuk dana, sumur bor, dan alat penyaring air. Berdasarkan hasil analisis AHP, pengawasan dan pemantauan sungai dipilih menjadi alternatif prioritas utama dalam kebijakan pengelolaan Sungai Siak. Alternatif kebijakan ini dipilih karena dapat mengurangi serta mencegah limbah yang dibuang ke Sungai Siak
In order to meet their daily needs, the surrounding community is very dependent on the existence of Siak River. Nowadays, the Siak River has been polluted by waste from industrial activity that tend to increase. The pollution of the Siak River causes economic losses for the surrounding community, because they have to incur additional costs to acces clean water from other sources. The purposes of this research are (1) to analyze the perception of Rawang Air Putih Village resident on the pollution of the Siak River (2) to estimate the economic loss of Rawang Air Putih Village resident (3) to estimate Willingness to Accept (WTA) due to economic loss of Rawang Air Putih Village resident (4) to formulate management policy alternatives of the Siak River. Survey method is used as the research method in this research. Two kinds of data are used in this research, primary and secondary data. The method used for sampling techniques are census and purposive sampling. Data are analyzed by Likert Scale, Replacement Cost, Cost of Illness, Loss of Income, Contingent Valuation Method, and Analytical Hierarchy Process. Based on the result, respondents of Rawang Air Putih Village stated that Siak River was polluted and lead to economic loss for the community. The average economic loss of respondents in the Rawang Air Putih village is around IDR 974,854/household/year. The estimated Willingness to Accept (WTA) in this study is IDR 2,036,841/household/year. Respondents in the Rawang Air Putih Village expect compensation in form of funds, drilled wells and water filter. AHP analysis showed that the main priority of alternative for the Siak River management policy is supervision and monitoring. The priority alternative was chosen because it can reduce and prevent effluent disposed to Siak River
Appears in Collections:UT - Resources and Environmental Economic

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