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Title: Identifikasi Keragaman Ekson 3 Gen Myoglobin (MB) pada Ayam Cemani dan Ayam IPB-D1
Other Titles: Identification of Polymorphisms in Exon 3 of Myglobin (MB) Gene in Ayam Cemani and IPB-D1 Chicken
Authors: Sumantri, Cece
Khaerunnisa, Isyana
Trianti, Eno
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Ayam cemani merupakan ayam asli Indonesia asal Temanggung, Jawa Tengah yang memiliki keseluruhan fenotipik berwarna hitam. Daging ayam cemani memiliki potensi sebagai pangan fungsional berkadar Fe tinggi bagi penderita anemia. Kandungan Myoglobin (MB) memiliki korelasi positif terhadap kadar Fe dalam daging. Hal tersebut digunakan sebagai landasan untuk menjadikan Gen MB sebagai gen kandidat yang diduga memiliki pengaruh terhadap kadar Fe dalam daging. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi keragaman ekson 3 gen MB pada ayam cemani yang berasal dari PT Sumber Unggas Indonesia (SUI), Balai Penelitian Ternak (Balitnak), serta ayam IPB-D1 sebagai pembanding. Sebanyak 45 sampel berhasil dilakukan sekuensing DNA menggunakan jasa Macrogen (Seoul, Korea Selatan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada daerah ekson 3 gen MB terdapat 1 SNP yaitu di posisi basa g.3385T>C. SNP yang diperoleh bersifat polimorfik dan konsisten ditemukan pada ketiga populasi, sehingga SNP tersebut dapat digunakan untuk analisis lanjutan menuju proses seleksi. Sebanyak enam mutasi lainnya juga ditemukan pada daerah 3’UTR yaitu di posisi basa g.3497C>T, g.3549C>T, g.3583G>A, g.3749C>T, g.3800G>A, dan g.3814G>A.
Ayam cemani is an Indonesian native chicken from Temanggung, Central Java which has a black phenotypic color. Ayam Cemani has the potential as a functional food with high Fe content for anemia sufferers. The existence of myoglobin has a positive correlation with Fe content in meat. This was used to make the MB gene as a candidate gene that has a role in Fe content in meat. This study aimed to identify the polymorphisms in exon 3 of MB gene in ayam cemani from PT Sumber Unggas Indonesia (SUI), Balai Penelitian Ternak (Balitnak), as well as IPB-D1 chickens as a comparison. A total of 45 samples were successfully DNA-sequenced using Macrogen services (Seoul, South Korea). The results showed that in exon 3 of MB genes there was 1 SNP at position g.3385T>C. The SNP obtained were polymorphic and consistently found in three populations so that the SNP could be used for further analysis towards the selection process. Other six mutations were also found in the 3'UTR region, i.e: g.3497C>T, g.3549C>T, g.3583G>A, g.3749C>T, g.3800G>A, and g.3814G>A.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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