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Title: Analisis Hubungan Paparan Debu Penggilingan Padi Terhadap Kapasitas Fungsi Paru Pekerja di UD.Nurmadinah.
Other Titles: Analysis of Relationship of Rice Milling Dust Exposure to Lung Function Capacity of Workers at UD.Nurmadinah.
Authors: Herodian, Sam
Muthmainnah, Muftiah Alimatul
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis hubungan paparan debu penggilingan padi terhadap kapasitas fungsi paru pekerja di UD.Nurmadinah dan mengukur jumlah pekerja yang terpapar debu di atas NAB maupun di bawah NAB, serta kondisi kapasitas fungsi paru pekerja.Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis deskriptif, dengan tahap observasi, studi pustaka dan pengujian. Pada penelitian ini digunakan uji analitik Univariat, Bivariate dan Crosstab dengan Chi-Square. Metode kualitatif berupa wawancara dan kuesioner digunakan untuk memperjelas dan memperdalam hasil penelitian kuantitatif. Diperoleh debu total ruangan (TSP) 0,769 mg/m³ yang berarti kadar debu total masih dibawah NAB < 3,0 mg/m³. Hasil uji Chi- square dengan α : 0,05 dari 9 faktor variable bebas (usia ,masa kerja, IMT dan status gizi, riwayat penyakit paru, konsumsi rokok, penggunaan dan pengaruh APD masker, dan paparan debu) terdapat 3 faktor yang terbukti berpengaruh terhadap kapasitas fungsi paru yaitu IMT dan status gizi dengan P= 0,049, riwayat penyakit paru dengan P= 0,005, dan pengaruh penggunaan APD dengan P= 0,028.
This research was conducted to analyse the Relationship of rice milling dust exposure to lung function capacity of workers at UD.Nurmadinah and to measure the number of workers exposed to dust above and below the NAV and the condition of the workers' lung function capacity. The research method used is descriptive analysis, with the observation stage. , literature study and testing. In this study, Univariate, Bivariate, and Crosstab analytical tests were used with Chi-Square. Qualitative methods in the form of interviews and questionnaires were used to clarify and deepen the results of quantitative research. Total indoor dust (TSP) is 0,769 mg/m, which means the total dust content is still below NAV < 3,0 mg/m³. Chi-square test results with: 0,05 of 9 independent variable factors (age, years of service, BMI and nutritional status, history of lung disease, cigarette consumption, use and effect of PPE masks, and exposure to dust) 3 factors proved to have an effect on functional capacity lung disease, namely BMI and nutritional status with P = 0,049, history of lung disease with P = 0,005, and the effect of using PPE with P = 0,028.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering

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