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Title: Perilaku Ekonomi dan Upaya Masyarakat dalam Penghematan Energi Listrik di Kabupaten Bogor (Studi Kasus: Pelanggan Energi Listrik Rumah Tangga di Perumahan Pondok Kencana Permai)
Other Titles: Economic Behavior and Community’s Efforts in Saving Electrical Energy in Bogor Regency (Case Study: Household Electric Energy Consumers at Pondok Kencana Permai Housing)
Authors: Istiqomah, Asti
Latifah, Afina
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kabupaten Bogor memiliki jumlah pelanggan rumah tangga tersambung energi listrik yang sangat banyak. Adanya perubahan gaya hidup di masyarakat dan perilaku penggunaan energi yang masih tidak efisien menyebabkan tingginya permintaan energi listrik. Sementara, dari sisi penawaran kapasitas pembangkit listrik dan kemampuan membeli energi masih terbatas sehingga menyebabkan tingginya frekuensi pemadaman energi listrik. Dengan adanya Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) tujuan ketujuh, Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 13 Tahun 2012, dan upaya Gerakan Hemat Energi “Potong 10%”, upaya penghematan energi listrik menjadi hal yang penting dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Menganalisis pola konsumsi dan biaya konsumsi energi listrik di Perumahan Pondok Kencana Permai pada sebelum dan saat pandemi Covid-19, (2) Menganalisis persepsi dan upaya masyarakat dalam penghematan energi listrik di Perumahan Pondok Kencana Permai, (3) Menganalisis korelasi antara pola konsumsi energi listrik dengan karakteristik sosial ekonomi masyarakat di Perumahan Pondok Kencana Permai. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, skala likert, dan analisis korelasi Pearson. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pola konsumsi energi listrik selama pandemi Covid-19 meningkat dibandingkan sebelumnya dan menyebabkan sebanyak 57% responden mengalami peningkatan terhadap biaya tagihan energi listrik. Sebagian besar masyarakat setuju dan sudah melakukan upaya-upaya penghematan energi listrik. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas memakai laptop, daya listrik, pendapatan, dan lama penggunaan AC berkorelasi signifikan dan positif terhadap biaya tagihan listrik
Bogor Regency has a very large number of household customers connected to electrical energy. Changes in lifestyle in society and inefficient use of energy have resulted in high demand for electrical energy. Meanwhile, from the power supply’s side generation capacity and the ability to buy energy are still limited, resulting in high frequency of power blackouts. The existence of the seventh goal of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 13 of 2012, and efforts to Save Energy Movement "Cut 10%", efforts to save electrical energy are important things to do. This study aims to (1) analyze consumption patterns and costs of electricity consumption in Pondok Kencana Permai Housing before and during the Covid-19 pandemic, (2) Analyze public perceptions and efforts in saving electrical energy at Pondok Kencana Permai Housing, (3) Analyzing the correlation between the patterns of electricity consumption and the socio-economic characteristics of the community in Pondok Kencana Permai Housing. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis, Likert scale, and Pearson correlation analysis. The results of the analysis show that the pattern of electrical energy consumption during the Covid-19 pandemic has increased compared to the previous one and caused 57% of respondents to experience an increase in the cost of electric energy bills. Most of the people agree and have made efforts to save electrical energy. Other than that, activities using a laptop, electric power, income, and length of time using AC have a significant and positive correlation to the cost of electricity bills.
Appears in Collections:UT - Resources and Environmental Economic

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