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Title: Analisis Daya Saing dan Potensi Pasar Ekspor Palm Kernel Shell Indonesia
Other Titles: Analysis of Competitiveness and Export Market Potential of Indonesian Palm Kernel Shell
Authors: Suharno
Winarsih, Fransiska Tria
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Palm kernel shell merupakan biomassa dari limbah industri minyak kelapa sawit yang diperdagangkan di pasar internasional. Indonesia merupakan eksportir palm kernel shell terbesar di dunia, tetapi lebih dari 80% ekspor terkonsentrasi ke negara-negara tujuan ekspor utama. Perlu dilakukan pengembangan pasar ekspor yang memerhatikan kinerja ekspor sebelumnya serta mempertimbangkan negara yang memiliki potensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis daya saing palm kernel shell Indonesia dan pasar yang potensial sebagai negara tujuan ekspornya. Daya saing dianalisis dengan revealed comparative advantage (RCA) serta export product dynamic (EPD). Potensi pasar ekspor dianalisis dengan x-model potential export products (X-Model). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa prioritas pasar tujuan ekspor berada di pasar Thailand, Selandia Baru, Pakistan, China, Afrika Selatan, Vietnam, Jepang, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Korea Selatan, India, Singapura, Jerman, Australia, Inggris, dan Belgia. Sedangkan Perancis dan Amerika Serikat merupakan pasar yang kurang potensial. Pemerintah perlu menyepakati perjanjian perdagangan bebas dengan Afrika Selatan dan Pakistan agar dapat mengurangi hambatan ekspor bagi komoditas palm kernel shell Indonesia.
Palm kernel shell is biomass from palm oil industrial waste, which is traded in the international market. Indonesia is the largest palm kernel shell exporter globally, but more than 80% of exports are concentrated in the main export destination countries. It is necessary to expand the export market considering the previous export performance and considering countries that have potential. This study aims to analyze the competitiveness of Indonesia's palm kernel shell and its potential market as an export destination. Competitiveness is analyzed with revealed comparative advantage (RCA) and export product dynamic (EPD). The export market potential is analyzed by using the x-model of potential export products (X-Model). The results of the analysis show that the priority markets for Indonesia's palm kernel shell export are in the markets of Thailand, New Zealand, Pakistan, China, South Africa, Vietnam, Japan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, South Korea, India, Singapore, Germany, Australia, England, and Belgium. Meanwhile, France and the United States are fewer potential markets. The government needs to make diplomatic efforts to the countries of South Africa and Pakistan so that a free trade agreement can be reached to reduce export barriers for Indonesia's palm kernel shell.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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