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Title: Perkembangan Embrio pada Rumpun Sapi Berbeda di BET Cipelang Bogor
Other Titles: Embryo Development in Different Cattle Breeds in BET Cipelang Bogor
Authors: Jakaria
Siswanti, Sri Wahyuni
Permana, Muhammad Dimas
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Peningkatan populasi dan kualitas genetik yang baik dapat dicapai yaitu dengan melakukan penerapan bioteknologi reproduksi seperti transfer embrio (TE). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tingkat perkembangan embrio pada berbagai rumpun sapi, seperti belgian blue (BB), peranakan ongole (PO) dan persilangannya (BB x PO). Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari Balai Embrio Ternak (BET) Cipelang, Bogor. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa embrio layak transfer, degeneratif, dan oosit tidak dibuahi tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) antar rumpun sapi. Persentase embrio layak transfer (ELT) sapi BB 5,57±6,13 (72,22%), PO 7,41±8,60 (65,97%), dan BB x PO 4,00±4,00 (42,86%). Persentase embrio degeneratif (EDG) dan unfertilized (UF) tertinggi dihasilkan rumpun BB x PO (19,64% dan 37,50%), PO (16,23% dan 17,80%), dan BB (12,96% dan 14,81%). Jumlah embrio lebih banyak dihasilkan dari kornua uteri kanan dibanding sebelah kiri pada semua rumpun sapi yang diamati. BB (59,26% kanan, 40,74% kiri), PO (58,64% kanan, 41,36% kiri), dan BB x PO (71,43% kanan, 28,57% kiri). Perkembangan embrio hasil superovulasi secara in vivo tidak berbeda antar rumpun sapi yaitu BB, PO, dan BB x PO.
Increasing population and good genetic quality can be achieved by applying reproductive biotechnology such as embryo transfer (ET). The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of embryo development in various types of cattle, such as belgian blue (BB), ongole cross (PO), and their crosses (BB x PO). This study used secondary data from Livestock Embryo Center (BET) Cipelang, Bogor. The result showed that transferable, degenerative embryos and unfertilized oocytes were not significantly different (P>0.05) between cattle breeds. The percentage of transferable embryos (ELT) of BB cows was 5.57±6.13 (72.22%), PO 7.41±8.60 (65.97%), and BB x PO 4.00±4.00 (42.86%). The highest percentage of degenerative embryos (EDG) and unfertilized (UF) was produced by BB x PO (19.64% and 37.50%), PO (16.23% and 17.80%), and BB (12.96% and 14.81%) breeds. More embryos were obtained from the right uterine horns than the left in all observed cattle breeds. BB (59.26% right, 40.74% left), PO (58.64% right, 41.36% left), and BB x PO (71.43% right, 28.57% left). The in vivo superovulated embryo development did not differ between cattle breeds, namely BB, PO, and BB x PO.
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Production Science and Technology

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