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Title: Analisis Kelayakan Bisnis Budidaya Ikan Berbasis Pendanaan Fintech Crowdfunding: Pembesaran Ikan Kakap Putih (Lates calcarifer)
Other Titles: Business Feasibility Analysis of Fish Culture Based on Fintech Crowdfunding: Asian Seabass (Lates calcarifer)
Authors: Diatin, Iis
Budiardi, Tatag
Arifah, Fadiah
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kakap putih menjadi salah satu komoditas ekspor unggulan yang mampu mendongkrak pertumbuhan ekonomi dan peningkatan sumber devisa. Peningkatan produksi budidaya menjadi salah satu usaha untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ikan nasional. Namun, banyak hambatan dalam proses budidaya yang menyebabkan menurunnya produktivitas, diantaranya keterbatasan dana usaha. Growpal memiliki platform Crowdfunding yang memudahkan pembudidaya mengajukan bantuan pendanaan untuk usaha budidaya nya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kelayakan bisnis pembesaran kakap putih (Lates calcarifer) dengan sistem pendanaan Fintech Crowdfunding. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari analisis aspek non finansial dan aspek finansial yang dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan kriteria kelayakan investasi, serta analisis sensitivitas (switching value). Analisis kelayakan bisnis pembesaran kakap putih berbasis Fintech Crowdfunding didapatkan NPV sebesar Rp194.228.465, Net B/C sebesar 7, IRR sebesar 97%, dan Payback period selama 1,26 tahun. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa bisnis layak untuk dijalankan dan prospektif untuk didanai, serta lebih sensitif terhadap penurunan tingkat kelangsungan hidup.
Seabass is one of the leading export commodities capable of boosting economic growth and increasing sources of foreign exchange. Increasing aquaculture production is of the effort to meet the needs of fish nationally. However, there are many obstacles in the cultivation cause a decrease in productivity, including limited business capital. Growpal has a Crowdfunding platform that makes it easy for farmers to apply for funding assistance for their cultivation. This study aims to analyze the business feasibility of raising seabass (Lates calcarifer) using the Fintech crowdfunding system. The data analysis method used in this study consists of the analysis of non-financial aspects and financial aspects are analyzed quantitatively using investment eligibility criteria, as well as a sensitivity analysis. Analysis of the business feasibility of raising seabass based on Fintech Crowdfunding obtained a Net Present Value of Rp194.228.465, a Net Benefit-Cost Ratio of 7, and an Internal Rate of Return of 97%, and a Payback Period of 1.26 years. The result show that the business is feasible and prospectively to be funded and is also more sensitive to decreasing the survival rate
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquaculture

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