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Title: Kajian Penerapan Produksi Bersih Pada Industri Pengolahan Susu Pasteurisasi Di KPBS Pangalengan
Other Titles: A Study on the Application of Cleaner Production in Pasteurized Milk Processing Industry at KPBS Pangalengan
Authors: Ismayana, Andes
Rohmatullah, Rocky P W
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Susu pasteurisasi merupakan salah satu produk olahan susu sapi yang banyak disukai oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji peluang penerapan produksi bersih pada industri pengolahan susu pasteurisasi. Tahapan penelitian terdiri dari (1) quick scan (2) analisis proses pengolahan (3) identifikasi peluang produksi bersih (4) analisis kelayakan teknis, ekonomi (B/C dan PP) serta lingkungan, dan (5) penentuan prioritas produksi bersih yang akan diterapkan dengan Metode Perbandingan Eksponensial (MPE). Tahapan proses pengolahan susu pasteurisasi adalah proses pencampuran, homogenisasi, pasteurisasi, pendinginan, dan pengemasan. Pada produksi terdapat limbah berupa susu reject, ceceran susu dan air buangan dari proses pencucian. Peluang produksi bersih adalah (1) pengolahan produk susu reject sebagai pupuk organik cair dengan nilai B/C 1,78 dan PP 0,11 bulan (2) pemanfaatan susu reject sebagai snack dengan nilai B/C 1,53 dan PP 0,06 bulan (3) perawatan komponen alat plate heat exchanger dengan nilai B/C 1,23 dan PP 0,70 bulan (4) modifikasi mesin homogenizer dengan nilai B/C 1,35 dan PP 21,4 bulan (5) perubahan teknik pencucian dengan nilai B/C 1,03 dan PP 300 bulan. Prioritas pertama penerapan produksi bersih adalah pengolahan produk susu reject sebagai pupuk organik cair. Kata kunci: metode perbandingan eksponensial (MPE), produksi bersih, susu pasteurisasi
Pasteurized milk is one of the most popular dairy milk products. This study aims to examine the opportunities for implementing cleaner production in the pasteurized milk processing industry. The research stages had consisted of (1) quick scan (2) analysis of processing process (3) identification of cleaner production opportunities (4) feasibility analysis of technical, economic (B/C and PP), and environmental, and (5) prioritization of cleaner production to be applied with the Exponential Comparison Method (MPE). The stages of the pasteurized milk processing process were the process of mixing, homogenizing, pasteurizing, cooling and packaging. There wastes were reject milk, spilled milk and waste water from the washing process. Opportunities for cleaner production were (1) processing reject milk products as liquid organic fertilizer with B/C of 1.78 and PP of 0.11 months (2) using reject milk as a snack with B/C of 1.53 and PP of 0.06 months (3) maintenance of spare part component of plate heat exchanger with B/C of 1.23 and PP of 0.70 months (4) modification of the homogenizer machine with B/C of 1.35 and PP of 21.4 months (5) Changes in washing techniques with B/C of 1.03 and PP of 300 months. The first priority for implementing cleaner production was the processing of reject milk products as liquid organic fertilizer. Keywords: exponential comparison method, cleaner production, pasteurized milk
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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