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Title: Analisis Perubahan Tutupan Mangrove terhadap Kerentanan Pesisir dan Dampak Tsunami di Kepulauan Mentawai, Sumatera Barat
Other Titles: Analysis of Mangrove Land Cover Changes on the Vulnerability of the Coastal Areas and Tsunami Impacts in the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra
Authors: Murdiyarso, Daniel
Naulita, Yuli
Sagala, Phidju Marrin
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Konversi lahan mangrove semakin tinggi seiring meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan kebutuhan manusia akan lahan yang mengakibatkan kerusakan dan berkurangnya luas hutan mangrove dan kerentanan kawasan pesisir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga laju perubahan tutupan mangrove di Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai menggunakan analisis tren, menduga perubahan garis pantai menggunakan Digital Shoreline Analysis System yang selanjutnya digunakan untuk menduga kerentanan pesisir menggunakan Coastal Vulnerability Index, dan mengetahui pengaruh tsunami terhadap kerentanan daratan dan dampaknya pada wilayah pesisir di Pulau Pagai Utara, Kepulauan Mentawai. Laju rata-rata perubahan tutupan lahan mangrove di Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai sebesar -45,75 ha/tahun dan didominasi oleh konversi lahan mangrove menjadi lahan pertanian. Pulau Pagai Utara (sisi selatan) pada tahun 2007-2017 mengalami laju pemunduran garis pantai tertinggi sebesar -10,46 m/tahun dan laju pemajuan garis pantai sebesar 15,14 m/tahun dengan rata-rata pemajuan garis pantai sebesar 2,22 m/tahun. Kerentanan pesisir bagian selatan Pulau Pagai Utara didapatkan 0% tergolong ke dalam kelas sangat rendah, 0% tergolong ke dalam kelas rendah, 26,67% tergolong ke dalam kelas sedang, 33,33% tergolong ke dalam kelas tinggi, dan 40% tergolong ke dalam kelas sangat tinggi dari total panjang garis pantai sebesar 60,09 km. Wilayah pulau Pagai Utara yang topografinya rendah, landai dan juga dekat dengan pantai memiliki kerentanan yang tinggi terhadap tsunami. Dampak Tsunami tahun 2010 terhadap pantai Barat Mentawai berupa hilangnya kawasan serta beberapa jenis mangrove yang diamati yaitu Rhizophora apiculate dan Bruguiera gymnorrhiza.
The conversion of mangrove land is getting higher along with the increasing population and human needs as well as natural disaster factors such as the Tsunami which can also cause damage and reduce the area of the mangrove forest. This study aims to estimate the rate of change in mangrove cover in the Mentawai Islands Regency using trend analysis, to predict shoreline changes using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System which is then used to estimate coastal vulnerability using the Coastal Vulnerability Index, and to determine the effect of the Tsunami on Land Vulnerability and Its Impact on Coastal Areas on North Pagai Island, Mentawai Islands. The average rate of change in mangrove land cover in the Mentawai Islands Regency is -45,75 ha/year and is dominated by the conversion of mangrove land to agricultural land. The pace of coastline change in North Pagai Island (south side) in 2007 to 2017 has been retreating with a rate of -10,46 m/year and expanded with a rate of 15,14 m/year, hence has a net expansion of 2,22 m/year. The vulnerability of the southern coast of North Pagai Island, 0% has very low vulnerability, 0% low vulnerability, 26,67% medium vulnerability, 33,33% high vulnerability, and 40% very high vulnerability of the total length of the coastline of 60,09 km. The area of North Pagai Island, which has a low topography and is sloping and near the coast, has a high susceptibility to tsunamis. The impact of the 2010 Tsunami on the West coast of Mentawai was the loss of areas and several species of mangroves, namely Rhizophora apiculate and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza.
Appears in Collections:UT - Geophysics and Meteorology

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