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dc.contributor.advisorWahju, Ronny Irawan-
dc.contributor.advisorRiyanto, Mochammad-
dc.contributor.authorRamades, Muhammad Hendi-
dc.description.abstractKeragaan terhadap 3unit penangkapan bagan telah dilakukan di Bandar lampung. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan alat tangkap ke tiga unit bagan dan mengetahui perbandingan komposisi dan bobot hasil tangkapan dari setiap unit bagan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey. Data hasil tangkapan ditabulasikan dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 3 jenis bagan memiliki ciri khas masing-masing. Bagan apung memiliki ukuran kapal pengangkut 8 GT. Ukuran kapal bagan badak 8 GT dan bagan cungkil 21 GT. Hasil tangkapan utama dari bagan apung tercatat 8 jenis ikan dimana HTU tertinggi yaitu teri 793,8 kg dan HTS nya tembang 348,8 kg. Bagan badak tercatat mendapatkan 6 jenis ikan dengan HTU tertinggi teri 887 kg dan HTS nya tembang 420,2 kg. Sedangkan bagan cungkil tercatat 6 jenis ikan terdiri dari HTU tertinggi teri 1.008,2 kg dan HTS nya tembang 596,5 kg. Produktivitas bagan cungkil sebesar 688,7 kg/trip, bagan apung 69,74 kg/trip dan bagan badak 230,05 kg/
dc.description.abstractPerformance of 3 lift net fishing units has been carried out in Bandar Lampung. The research objective are to describe the fishing unit the three types of and to compare the catch composition and weight of the catch from each fishing unit. The research method used was a survey. The catch data was tabulated and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that 3 types of charts have their own characteristics. The floating chart has a ship size of 8 GT and boat lift net ship size 8 GT. Cungkil lift net have a boat 21 GT. The main catch from floating lift net was recorded 8 fish species where the highest target catch (HTU) was Anchovies 793.8 kg and by catch of sardine 348.8 kg. Boat lift net was recorded to get 6 species of fish with the highest HTU of anchovies 887 kg and by catch of sardine 420.2 kg. Meanwhile, cungkil lift net have recorded 6 species of fish, consisting of the highest HTU for anchovy 1,008.2 kg and by catch of sardine 596.5 kg. The productivity of cungkil lift net is 688.7 kg/trip, floating lift net and bagan badak is 69.74 kg/trip and 230.05kg/trip
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKeragaan Unit Penangkapan Bagan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Lempasing Bandar Lampungid
dc.title.alternativeThe Performance of Lift Net Fisheries at Bandar Lampung Lempasing Coastal Fishing Portid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordboat lift netid
dc.subject.keywordcungkil lift netid
dc.subject.keywordconstruction of lift netid
dc.subject.keywordfloating lift netid
Appears in Collections:UT - Fisheries Resource Utilization

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