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Title: Hubungan Karakteristik Lapisan Generasi Muda Petani dengan Minat Kerja Pertanian Memasuki Era 4.0 (Kajian terhadap Petani Muda di Jawa Barat).
Other Titles: The Relationship between The Characteristics Young Generation Stratum of Farmers with an Interest in Agricultural Work entering 4.0 Era (Study of Young Farmers in West Java)
Authors: Kolopaking, Lala M.
Hakim, Lukman
Febrianti, Widya Riski
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Regenerasi petani mendukung peningkatan produktivitas pertanian adalah sebuah keharusan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan karakteristik lapisan generasi muda petani dengan minat kerja di bidang pertanian memasuki era 4.0. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik survei yang menyebarkan kuesioner terstruktur dalam Google Form ke 100 responden. Dilakukan juga wawancara berbasis media percakapan terhadap 10 informan, dan kunjungan terbatas ke Desa Ciputri menemui tokoh pemuda tani yang menggerakkan penggunaan teknologi digital. Analisis Faktor dan Uji Korelasi Rank Spearman digunakan untuk menemukan karakteristik lapisan atas dan lapisan bawah petani. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat 4 lapisan generasi muda petani yang mempunyai korelasi cukup baik dengan minat kerja di bidang pertanian. Teknologi digital dapat mendorong pembentukkan komunitas digital petani muda yang saling bekerjasama. Proses ini terbentuk karena keempat lapisan generasi muda petani tersebut dapat berbagi pengalaman, ilmu, dan pemasaran produk dalam berbudidaya sayuran.
The regeneration of farmers to support increased agricultural productivity is a must. This study aims to analyze the relationship between the characteristics of the younger generation of farmers and their interest in working in agriculture into the 4.0 era. The data was collected using a survey technique that distributed a structured questionnaire on Google Form to 100 respondents. Conversational media based interviews were also conducted with 10 informants, and a limited visit to Ciputri Village to meet young farmer leaders who drive the use of digital technology. Factor Analysis and Rank Spearman Correlation Test were used to find the characteristics of the upper and lower stratum of farmers. The results showed that there were 4 stratum of young farmers who had a fairly good correlation with work interest in agriculture. Digital technology can encourage the formation of a digital community of young farmers who work together. This process is formed because the four stratum of young farmers can share experiences, knowledge, and product marketing in agriculture.
Appears in Collections:UT - Communication and Community Development

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