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Title: Modal Sosial dan Komunikasi Partisipatif dalam Pengembangan Perilaku Kewirausahaan Pengolah Enbal di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara
Other Titles: Social Capital and Participatory Communication in the Development of Entrepreneurial Behavior Processing in Southeast Maluku District
Authors: Saleh, Amiruddin
Hubeis, Musa
Susanto, Djoko
Far Far, Risyart Alberth
Issue Date: 24-Nov-2020
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Ubi kayu sejak lama telah dikenal sebagai bahan makanan pokok ketiga masyarakat Indonesia setelah beras dan jagung. Komoditas pangan ubi kayu cocok dikembangkan sebagai komoditas industri agro. Enbal adalah produk hasil olahan ubi kayu pahit (Manihotesculenta Crantz) yang menjadi makanan Tradisional khas masyarakat (Kei) daerah Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara. Perkembangan zaman dan permintaan konsumsi yang tinggi dari masyarakat Maluku Tenggara telah membuat pengolah meningkatkan produksi enbal bukan untuk di konsumsi tetapi juga dijual. Potensi pengembangan enbal dalam peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat direspon oleh pemerintah daerah dengan membentuk kelompok industri kecil pengolahan enbal skala kecil. Proses pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pengembangan perilaku kewirausahaan dengan cara membangun kapasitas manusia dan kerjasama masyarakat melalui pendekatan modal sosial dan komunikasi partisipatif. Modal sosial dan komunikasi partisipatif dapat meningkatkan kesadaran individu secara kolektif tentang banyaknya peluang yang dapat dikembangkan untuk kepentingan masyarakat dalam pengembangan daya saing pangan lokal enbal. Tindakan kolektif dibutuhkan dalam menghadapi permasalahan yang tidak dapat dipecahkan individu dan berkontribusi terhadap proses perubahan pengetahuan dalam peningkatan perilaku kewirausahaan. Berbasis penerapan komunikasi pembangunan partisipatif tersebut diharapkan dapat terjadinya proses sharing informasi, inovasi dan kreativitas, sehingga tidak saja tercipta partisipasi terhadap suatu program pengembangan daya saing pangan lokal enbal, tetapi juga kesadaran pentingnya menggerakkan semua sumber daya industri pangan lokal enbal di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara secara kolaboratif dan optimal. Tujuan penelitian adalah: (1) mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis karakteristik pengolah enbal, ketersediaan informasi pangan lokal enbal dan dukungan kelembagaan pendukung dalam pengembangan daya saing pangan lokal enbal, (2) mendeskripsikan modal sosial dan komunikasi partisipatif pengolah enbal dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi modal sosial dan komunikasi partisipatif dalam pengembangan daya saing pangan lokal enbal, (3) mendeskripsikan perilaku kewirausahaan pengolah enbal dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi perilaku kewirausahaan pengolah enbal dalam pengembangan daya saing pangan lokal enbal, (4) menyusun strategi komunikasi pembangunan dalam meningkatkan perilaku kewirausahaan pengolah enbal melalui komunikasi partisipatif untuk daya saing pangan lokal enbal di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara. Penelitian didesain dengan paradigma positivistik dengan menggunakan metode sensus. Populasi (sampel jenuh) penelitian adalah pengolah enbal yang terdaftar sebagai usaha industri kecil pengolahan enbal di Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara yang berjumlah 127 orang yang tersebar di Kecamatan Kei Kecil dan Kecamatan Kei Kecil Timur, Manyew dan Hoat Sorbay serta Kecamatan Kei Besar Selatan di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara. Penentuan jumlah sampel didasarkan pada jumlah populasi pengolah enbal yang terdaftar sebagai usaha industri kecil pengolahan enbal di lokasi penelitian. Jumlah populasi sebanyak 127 pengolah enbal seluruhnya dijadikan responden dalam penelitian. Pengambilan data penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2018 hingga Maret 2019. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis statistik deskriptif berupa frekuensi, persentase, dan rataan skor; dan analisis statistik inferensial menggunakan Structural Equatation Modeling (SEM) Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat pengaruh signifikan peubah ketersediaan informasi pangan lokal enbal terhadap dengan modal sosial dan komunikasi partisipatif. Hal ini disebabkan tingkat ketersediaan informasi pangan lokal enbal termasuk kategori rendah. Peubah karakteristik individu dan dukungan kelembagaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap komunikasi partisipatif, sedangkan modal sosial hanya dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik individu. Berdasarkan analisis PLS terdapat kecenderungan bahwa faktor komunikasi partisipatif menjadi dasar untuk meningkatkan perilaku kewirausahaan pengolah enbal di Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara. Untuk itu model komunikasi pembangunan yang dinilai tepat dalam pengembangan perilaku kewirausahaan pengolah enbal adalah dengan meningkatkan kapasitas komunikasi partisipatif melalui peningkatan karakteristik individu (pendidikan non formal, luas lahan, pendapatan, motivasi dan kekosmopolitan), peningkatan dukungan kelembagaan pendukung (pemerintah, lembaga penyuluhan, lembaga penelitian, peyedia bahan baku dan sarana produksi, pasar dan program pariwisata). Berdasarkan hasil analisis PLS dapat disusun strategi komunikasi peningkatan perilaku kewirausahaan pengolah enbal melalui dua pendekatan: (1) Pendekatan internal, yaitu penguatan komunikasi partisipatif berupa dialog, voice, liberating-pedagogy dan refleksi aksi, sehingga proses pemberdayaan dalam hal peningkatan perilaku kewirausahaan pengolah dapat dilakukan secara kolektif melalui kelompok, serta komunikasi partisipatif dapat menjadi jembatan dalam meningkatkan kesadaran dan rasa tanggungjawab terhadap peningkatan daya saing pangan lokal enbal; (2) Pendekatan eksternal, yaitu pemerintah pusat dan daerah dalam memfasilitasi kebutuhan usaha melalui bantuan peralatan dan modal usaha dengan peningkatan jumlah penerima maupun kesesuaian bantuan. Pemerintah daerah melalui instansi terkait memfasilitasi dan membentuk kelompok pengolah enbal yang belum tergabung dalam kelompok pengolahan enbal, pemerintah desa dapat mengotimalkan penggunaan dana desa dengan kegiatan pemberdayaan pengolah enbal melalui pelatihan dan penyuluhan, serta dukungan permodalan dalam mengembangkan kegiatan usaha pengolahan enbal. Selanjutnya pemerintah, dan seluruh stakeholder industri pengolahan enbal perlu mengembangkan jaringan pemasaran berbasis teknologi informasi dan memfasilitasi pembentukan pusat informasi untuk menjamin ketersediaan informasi teknologi pengolahan dan pemasaran yang dapat diakses pengolah enbal yang secara tepat waktu dan tepat guna.
Cassava has long been known as the third staple food ingredient in Indonesians after rice and corn. The cassava food commodity is suitable to be developed as a commodity for the agro industry. Enbal is a product of processed bitter cassava (Manihotesculenta Crantz) which is a traditional food of the people (Kei) in Southeast Maluku Regency. The times and the high demand for consumption from the people of Southeast Maluku have made processors to increase energy production not for consumption but also for sale. The regional government responded to the potential for energy development in increasing people's income by forming a small-scale industrial group of small scale energy processing. The process of community empowerment in developing entrepreneurial behavior by building human capacity and community cooperation through social capital approaches and participatory communication. Social capital and participatory communication can increase individual awareness collectively about the many opportunities that can be developed for the benefit of the community in developing the competitiveness of local food enbal. Collective action is needed in dealing with problems that cannot be solved by individuals and contributing to the process of changing knowledge in increasing entrepreneurial behavior. Based on the application of participatory development communication, it is hoped that the process of sharing information, innovation and creativity can occur, so that not only can participation in a development program for the competitiveness of natural local food be created, but also awareness of the importance of mobilizing all the resources of the environmental local food industry in Southeast Maluku District collaboratively and optimal. The research objectives were: (1) to describe and analyze the characteristics of organic processors, the availability of information on organic local food and support for supporting institutions in the development of competitiveness of organic local food, (2) to describe social capital and participatory communication of the internal processors and to analyze these factors. Influencing factors social capital and participatory communication in the development of competitiveness of internal local food, (3) describing the entrepreneurial behavior of energy processing and analyzing the factors that influence the entrepreneurial behavior of energy processors in developing the competitiveness of organic local food, (4) formulating a development communication strategy in improving the entrepreneurial behavior of energy processing through participatory communication for the competitiveness of local food in Southeast Maluku District. The research was designed with a positivistic paradigm using the census method.The population (saturated sample) of the study was an enbal processor registered as a small industrial business of energy processing at the Industry and Trade Office of Southeast Maluku District, totaling 127 people spread across Kei Kecil and Kei Kecil Timur, Manyew and Hoat Sorbay and Kei Besar Selatan Districts in Southeast Maluku District.. The determination of the number of samples is based on the total population of enbal processing which is registered as a small energy processing industry at the research location. The total population of 127 enbal processors were all used as respondents in the study. Research data collection was carried out from November 2018 to March 2019. Data analysis was carried out by descriptive statistical analysis in the form of frequency, percentage, and average score; and inferential statistical analysis using Structural Equatation Modeling (SEM) Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that there was no influence of variables on the availability of information on internal local food on social capital and participatory communication. This is because the level of availability of information on enbal local food is in the low category. Individual characteristics variables and institutional support affect participatory communication, while social capital is only influenced by individual characteristics. Based on the PLS analysis, there is a tendency that the participatory communication factor becomes the basis for improving the entrepreneurial behavior of enbal processors in Southeast Maluku District. For this reason, the development communication model that is considered appropriate in developing the entrepreneurial behavior of enbal processors is by increasing participatory communication capacity through increasing individual characteristics (non-formal education, land area, income, motivation and cosmopolitanism), increasing support for supporting institutions (government, extension agencies). , research institutions, provider raw materials and production facilities, market and tourism programs). Based on the results of the PLS analysis, communication strategies can be formulated to increase the entrepreneurial behavior of enbal processors through two approaches: (1) Internal approach, namely strengthening participatory communication in the form of dialogue, voice, liberating-pedagogy and action reflection, so that the empowerment process in terms of increasing the entrepreneurial behavior of processors can be carried out. collectively through groups, as well as participatory communication can be a bridge in increasing awareness and a sense of responsibility towards increasing the competitiveness of local food enbal; (2) External approach, namely the central and regional governments in facilitating business needs through the assistance of equipment and business capital by increasing the number of recipients and the suitability of assistance. The local government through related agencies facilitates and forms an energy processing group that is not yet part of the energy processing group, the village government can optimize the use of village funds by empowering energy processing activities through training and counseling, as well as capital support in developing energy processing business activities. Next is the government and all stakeholders of the energy processing industry need to develop a marketing network based on information technology and facilitate the establishment of an information center to ensure the availability of information on processing and marketing technology that can be accessed by energy processors in a timely and effective manner.
Appears in Collections:DT - Human Ecology

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