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Title: Analisis Characteristic Working from Home, Subjective Well-being dan Outcomes Working from Home pada PT. Asuransi Rama Satria Wibawa Jakarta
Other Titles: Analysis of Characteristic Working from Home, Subjective Well-Being and Outcomes Working from Home at PT. Asuransi Rama Satria Wibawa Jakarta
Authors: Sukmawati, Anggraini
Marpaung, Tasya Margaretta
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penerapan kebijakan WFH bukanlah suatu metode bekerja di Indonesia, melainkan upaya mitigasi penyebaran COVID-19. PT. Asuransi Rama Satria Wibawa merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang menerapkan kebijakan WFH dan karyawan dituntut untuk tetap menjaga kinerjanya. Selain itu, subjective well-being bagi karyawan yang menjalankan WFH juga perlu diperhatikan dalam meningkatkan outcomes WFH. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengindentifikasi karakteristik responden, menganalisis persepsi characteristic WFH, subjective well-being dan outcomes WFH serta pengaruh characteristic WFH dan subjective well-being terhadap outcomes WFH. Metode penarikan sampel menggunakan sensus dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 46 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan SEM-PLS. Karyawan pada PT. Asuransi Rama Satria Wibawa didominasi oleh karyawan laki-laki sebanyak 33 orang, rentang usia 31-40 tahun sebanyak 16 orang, berstatus menikah sebanyak 32 orang, lulusan Strata Satu (S1) sebanyak 23 orang dan masa kerja 2-5 tahun sebanyak 30 orang. Persepsi karyawan terhadap characteristic WFH, subjective well-being dan outcomes WFH mayoraitas baik. Hasil analisis SEM-PLS menunjukkan bahwa characteristic WFH dan subjective well-being berpengaruh positif terhadap outcomes WFH.
The implementation of WFH policies is not an organizational culture in Indonesia but rather an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. PT. Asuransi Rama Satria Wibawa is one company that implements WFH policies, and employees are required to maintain their performance. Besides, subjective well-being for employees who practice WFH also needs to be considered in improving WFH outcomes. This study aims to identify the characteristic of respondents, analyze the perceptions of WFH characteristics, subjective well-being, and WFH outcomes and the influence of WFH characteristics and subjective well-being on WFH outcomes. The sampling method uses cencus with 46 total respondents. This research uses a descriptive analysis method and SEM-PLS. Employees at PT. Rama Satria Wibawa Insurance is dominated by 33 male employees, 16 people from 31-40 years old, 32 people were married, 23 people graduated from S1 and 30 people working periods of 2-5 years. Employees' perceptions of WFH characteristics, subjective well-being, and WFH outcomes are generally good. The SEM-PLS analysis results show that WFH characteristics and subjective well-being have a positive effect on WFH outcomes.
Appears in Collections:UT - Management

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