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Title: Aktivitas Terbang Lebah Tetragonula laeviceps dan Potensi Pakan di Sekitar Sarang di Desa Cipadang, Lebak, Banten
Other Titles: Bees Flying Activities of Tetragonula laeviceps and Potential Feed Around the Nests in Cipadang Village, Lebak, Banten
Authors: Raffiudin, Rika
Djuita, Nina Ratna
Syofyanti, Irma
Issue Date: Feb-2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Lebah Tetragonula laeviceps termasuk serangga sosial yang membantu penyerbukan tanaman.Informasi mengenai aktivitas mencari pakan (foraging) dan spesies tanaman yang menjadi sumber pakan sangat penting untuk memaksimalkan produktivitas budidaya lebah. Penelitian mengenai aktivitas terbang lebah dan analisis vegetasi sekitar sarang di Desa Cipadang, Kecamatan Cileles, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten belum pernah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pola aktivitas harian lebah T. laeviceps dan kenekaragaman tanaman sumber pakan di sekitar sarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua koloni lebah T. laeviceps yang memiliki ukuran sarang yang hampir sama. Aktivitas terbang lebah yang diamati yaitu keluar sarang, masuk membawa polen, masuk tanpa polen dan masuk membawa resin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan koloni satu dan koloni dua memiliki aktivitas yang sama. Puncak aktivitas terbang keluar sarang terjadi pukul 07.00, masuk membawa polen pukul 08.00, masuk tanpa polen pukul 08.00 dan membawa resin pukul 08.00. Aktivitas terbang lebah dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan di antaranya suhu, kelembaban udara dan intensitas cahaya. Hasil analisis vegetasi menunjukkan tanaman yang teridentifikasi sebagian besar memiliki potensi sebagai sumber pakan lebah salah satunya Turnera subulata. Indeks keanekaragaman menunjukkan keanekaragaman tanaman di area tersebut stabil dengan nilai H’ lebih dari 1 dan indeks kemerataan spesies menunjukkan jumlah tiap spesies sama dengan nilai E mendekati 1.
Tetragonula laeviceps bee is a social insect that helps pollinate plants. Information on foraging activities and plant species that are a source of food are very important to maximize bee cultivation productivity. Research on bee flying activity and vegetation analysis around the hive in Cipadang Village, Cileles District, Lebak Regency, Banten has never been carried out. This study aimed to analyze the daily activity pattern of T. laeviceps bees and the diversity of food sources around the hive. This study used two colonies of T. laeviceps bees of the same size. The bee's flying activities were leaving the hive, entering with pollen, entering without pollen, and entering carrying resin. The results showed that colony one and colony two had the same activity. The peak activity of flying out of the nest occurred at 07.00, entering with pollen at 08.00, entering without pollen at 08.00, and carrying resin at 08.00. The flying activity of bees is influenced by environmental factors, including temperature, humidity, and light intensity. The vegetation analysis results showed that most of the plants identified around the hive had potential as a source of feed for bees, one of which was Turnera subulata.The diversity index shows that plant diversity in the area is stable with an H' value of more than 1, and the Evenness index of species shows that the number of each species is equal to an E value close to 1.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biology

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