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Title: Efikasi Bahan Pengawet Alkaline Copper Quaternary (ACQ) pada Jamur Schizophyllum commune dan Rayap Kayu Kering Cryptotermes cynocephalus
Other Titles: The Efficacy of Alkaline Copper Quaternary (ACQ) in Schizophyllum commune Fungi and Cryptotermes cynocephalus Drywood Termites
Authors: Bahtiar, Effendi Tri
Herliyana, Elis Nina
Nastiti, Prilia
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Perlakuan pengawetan pada kayu diharapkan dapat meningkatkan umur pakai kayu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efikasi bahan pengawet ACQ pada kayu meranti merah, mahoni, pinus, dan agathis terhadap serangan jamur S. commune dan rayap kayu kering C. cynocephalus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata nilai penurunan bobot dari yang paling rendah; pada pengujian terhadap jamur S. commune pada kayu yang tidak diawetkan : meranti merah (11.99%), mahoni (12.79%), agathis (12.99%) dan pinus (14.56%), yang diawetkan : agathis (9.65%), meranti merah (10.46%), pinus (11.42%), dan mahoni (12.32%); pada pengujian terhadap rayap kayu kering C. cynocephalus pada kayu yang tidak diawetkan : mahoni (5.31%), meranti merah (7.02%), pinus (8.15%) dan agathis (8.77%), yang diawetkan : agathis (0.11%), pinus (0.17%), mahoni (0.62%), dan meranti merah (0.67%). Pengawetan dengan ACQ dapat meningkatkan ketahanan berdasarkan klasifikasi SNI 01-7207-2006 dari kelas awet III-IV menjadi kelas awet III terhadap serangan jamur, dan menjadi kelas awet I terhadap serangan rayap kayu kering.
The preservation treatment is applied to increase the wood servicelife time. This study aims to examine the ACQ efficacy in red meranti, mahogany, pine, and agathis against S. commune fungi and C. cynocephalus drywood termites attack. The results showed that the average weight loss value was ascendingly arranged as follow; in S. commune fungi tested on untreated wood : red meranti (11.99%), mahogany (12.79%), agathis (12.99%) and pine (14.56%), on preservative treated wood : agathis (9.65%), red meranti (10.46%), pine (11.42%), and mahogany (12.32%); on C. cynocephalus drywood termites testing on untreated wood : mahogany (5.31%), red meranti (7.02%), pine (8.15%) and agathis (8.77%), on preservative treated wood : agathis (0.11%), pine (0.17 %), mahogany (0.62%), and red meranti (0.67%). Preservation with ACQ can increase wood resistance based on the classification of SNI 01-7207-2006 from durability class III-IV to durability class III against fungal attack, and to durability class I against dry wood termite attack.
Appears in Collections:UT - Forestry Products

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