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dc.contributor.advisorMulyanto, Budi-
dc.contributor.authorRamadhan, Edo Adianto-
dc.description.abstractTanah sawah berpeluang memiliki keseragaman karakteristik tanah dan tingkat kesuburan tanah akibat homogenitas pengelolaan tanah sawah. Kecamatan Ciwaringin memiliki perbedaan tingkat produktivitas padi sawah tiap wilayahnya. Penelitian bertujuan mempelajari karakteristik tanah dan hubungannya dengan produktivitas padi sawah serta mengetahui kondisi aktual usahatani padi sawah setempat. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada empat titik representatif secara toposekuen antar dua sungai terhadap sungai utama, mencangkup pengamatan morfologi tanah, analisis laboratorium, evaluasi kesesuaian lahan dan kesuburan tanah, dan analisis usahatani padi sawah. Karakteristik tanah memiliki tekstur halus hingga agak halus, pH netral hingga agak alkalis, C-organik dan K sangat rendah sampai sedang, P tersedia sedang, KB dan KTK tanah sangat tinggi. Klasifikasi tanah termasuk Typic Epiaqualfs, halus, smektitit, isohipertermik (Cwn1 dan Cwn4) dan Typic Epiaquepts, berlempung halus, campuran, superaktif, isohipertermik (Cwn2 dan Cwn3). Kesesuaian lahan aktual padi sawah sesuai marginal hara tersedia (S3na) serta FCC unit Cgvkb dan Lgvkb. Kesesuaian lahan riil padi sawah sangat sesuai (S1) dengan analisis R/C ratio dan gross B/C ratio >1 dengan syarat lahan atas hak milik sendiri. Evaluasi kesesuaian lahan padi sawah sesuai kriteria FAO secara umum tidak dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi tanah sawah dengan berbagai varietas padi sawah. Perbedaan produktivitas padi sawah dipengaruhi oleh faktor unsur hara makro, C-organik, dan praktik
dc.description.abstractDue to the homogeneity of rice field management, paddy fields are likely to have homogeneous soil characteristics and soil fertility rates. Ciwaringin SubDistrict has distinct rice productivity levels in each zone. The research aims to study soil characteristics and it's relation to the productivity of rice and to consider the actual economic condition of paddy rice farming. The research was conducted with toposequence between two rivers towards the main river on four soil representatives, including soil morphology, laboratory analysis, land suitability and soil fertility evaluation, and economical rice farming analysis. Soil characteristics have a fine to slightly fine texture, neutral to slightly alkaline pH, very low to medium C-org and K, medium available P, very high BS and CEC. Soil were classified as Typic Epiaqualfs, fine, smectitic, isohypertermic (Cwn1 and Cwn4) and Typic Epiaquepts, fine loam, mix, superactive, isohypertermic (Cwn2 and Cwn3). The paddy rice actual land suitability marginally suitable on nutrient availability (S3na) and FCC units Cgvkb and Lgvkb respectively. The real suitability class is very suitable (S1) with R/C ratio and Gross B/C ratio analysis were >1 with on the condition that own and property. Suitability evaluation assessment according to FAO for paddy rice in general, cannot be used to evaluate the potential of these paddy soils for growing certain rice varieties. Differences in rice productivity were influenced by macronutrients, C-organic, and farming
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKarakteristik Tanah dan Hubungannya dengan Produktivitas Padi Sawah di Kecamatan Ciwaringin, Kabupaten Cirebonid
dc.title.alternativeSoil Characteristics and It’s Relation to Paddy Rice Productivity in Ciwaringin Sub-District, Cirebon Districtid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordgross B/C ratioid
dc.subject.keywordkarakteristik tanah sawahid
dc.subject.keywordkesesuaian lahanid
Appears in Collections:UT - Soil Science and Land Resources

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