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Title: Pengaruh Saccharomyces cerevisiae (BY4741) terhadap Bakteri Saluran Pencernaan, Neurogenesis dan Perilaku pada Mencit (Mus musculus)
Other Titles: Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (BY4741) on Intestinal Bacteria, Neurogenesis and Behavior in Mice (Mus musculus)
Authors: Juliandi, Berry
Astuti, Rika Indri
Syarifah, Ashfia Alfa
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Microbiota-gut-brain axis memengaruhi proses neurogenesis di otak. Neurogenesis dapat ditingkatkan dengan pemberian probiotik. Saccharomyces cerevisiae memiliki peran sebagai probiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian S. cerevisiae terhadap mikrobiota usus, neurogenesis pada hipokampus, serta perilaku. Penelitian ini terdiri atas kelompok kontrol, kelompok perlakuan 100µl (~103 cfu), 100µl (~106 cfu), dan 100µl (~109 cfu) S. cerevisiae (BY4741). Analisis mikroorganisme saluran pencernaan dilakukan dengan mengisolasi feses. Analisis perilaku yang dilakukan yaitu pembelajaran spasial dan perilaku kecemasan. Analisis neurogenesis dilakukan dengan membuat preparat histologi otak dengan menggunakan pewarna hematoksilin-eosin. Data diuji statistik melalui independent-samples t-test. Pemberian S. cerevisiae (BY4741) menjaga konsentrasi normal bakteri asam laktat dan E. coli. Neuron baru dan penyimpanan memori yang berada pada tingkat kematangan berbeda pada ~106 cfu/100µl tidak meningkatkan kinerja memori spasial. Perubahan konsentrasi bakteri saluran pencernaan mendukung peningkatan persentase neural progenitor cell (NPC) pada konsentrasi ~109 cfu/100µl sehingga sejalan dengan menurunnya perilaku kecemasan dan kinerja memori spasial yang meningkat. Peningkatan persentase densitas NPC yang secara tidak langsung berpengaruh pada penurunan perilaku kecemasan, serta peningkatan kinerja memori spasial.
Microbiota-gut-brain axis influences the neurogenesis process. Neurogenesis can be increased by administering probiotics. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a role as a probiotic. This study aimed to determine the effect of the provision of S. cerevisiae on the intestinal microbiota, behavior, and hippocampal neurogenesis. This study consisted of control group, the treatment group 100µl (~103 cfu), 100µl (~106 cfu), dan 100µl (~109 cfu) of S. cerevisiae (BY4741) with treatment for 4 weeks. Analysis of digestive tract microorganisms was carried out by from fecal samples. Anxiety behavior and memory performance analysis were carried out every week. Neurogenesis analysis was performed by making brain histological preparations using haematoxylin-eosin dye. The data were tested statistically through the independent-samples t-test. The provision of S. cerevisiae (BY4741) in this study maintained normal concentrations of lactat acid bacteria and E. coli. New neurons and memory stores that were at different maturity levels at ~ 106 cfu/100 µl did not improve spatial memory performance. The difference in the concentration of gastrointestinal bacteria supported the increase in the percentage of neural progenitor cell (NPC) at a concentration of ~ 109 cfu/100µl so that it was in line with decreased anxiety behavior and increased spatial memory performance. Increasing the percentage of NPC density indirectly affects the decrease in anxiety behavior, as well as an increase in spatial memory performance.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biology

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