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Title: Identifikasi Tanin dari Kulit Kayu Limbah Industri Penggergajian Kayu sebagai Potensi Bahan Penyamak Nabati
Other Titles: Identification of Tannins from Sawmill as a Potenstial Vegetable Tanning Agent
Authors: Suparno, Ono
Gumelar, Danur Hadid Agung
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Tanin merupakan senyawa polifenol hasil metabolit sekunder dari kulit kayu tanaman dan berfungsi sebagai bahan penyamak nabati. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi kandungan tanin dan jenis tanin, mengetahui kadar tanin total dan kadar flavonoid pada limbah kulit kayu, serta memilih kulit kayu potensial sebagai bahan penyamak. Senyawa tanin diuji secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Identifikasi kualitatif menggunakan uji FeCl3, larutan gelatin, kalium ferisianida + ammonia, asam asetat + Pb asetat, dan uji pereaksi Stiasny. Identifikasi kuantitatif menggunakan metode permanganometri dan pengeringan. Uji kualitatif menunjukkan delapan dari dua belas jenis kulit kayu teridentifikasi positif mengandung tanin. Delapan jenis kulit kayu tersebut adalah, kayu mangium, mahoni, sengon, afrika, mindi, kweni, kecapi, dan puspa. Empat jenis kulit kayu lainnya yang negatif adalah kayu lame, kisampang, nangka dan karet. Hasil uji kuantitatif tanin total secara berurut untuk kayu mangiun, mahoni, sengon, afrika, mindi, kweni, kecapi, dan puspa adalah 56,03%; 27,58%; 21,70%; 7,15%; 14,11%; 17,72%; 16,76%; dan 16,52% dan nilai flavonoidnya berturut-turut adalah 21,90%; 13,81%; 8,92%; 6,11%; 5,55%; 5,94%; 11,76%; dan 4,46%. Hasil uji statistik two way anova menghasilkan nilai sig. 0,00 <0,05, menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan hasil kualitas kayu berdasarkan jenis kayu, jenis uji flavonoid/tanin, dan terdapat interaksi antara jenis kayu dengan uji flovonoid/tanin dalam menentukan kayu.
Tanins are polyphenol compounds produced by secondary metabolism from plant bark and function as vegetable taning materials. This study aimed to identify the tanin content and type of tanin, to determine the total tanin content and flavonoid levels in the bark waste, and to select potential bark as a taning material. Tanins were tested qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative identification used the FeCl3 test, gelatin solution, potassium + ammonia, acetic acid + Pb acetate, and the Stiasny reagent test. Quantitative identification used permanganometric and drying methods. The qualitative test showed that eight of the twelve types of bark were identified as positive for tanin. The eight types of bark were mangium, mahogany, sengon, africa, mindi, kweni, kecapi, and puspa. The other four barks were negative for tanin tests, i.e. lame, kisampang, jackfruit and karet. Total tanin quantitative test results in sequence for mangium, mahogany, sengon, africa, mindi, kweni, kecapi, and puspa wood barks were 56.03%, 27.58%, 21.70%, 7.15%, 14.11%, 17.72%, 16.76%, and 16.52%, respectively. The flavonoid values of the barks were 21.90%, 13.81%, 8.92%, 6.11%, 5.55%, 5.94%, 11.76%, and 4.46%, respectively. The two way ANOVA statistical test resulted in a sig. 0.00 < 0.05, indicating that there were differences in the results of wood quality based on wood type, type of flavonoid / tanin test, and there was an interaction between wood species and the flovonoid / tanin test in determining wood.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agroindustrial Technology

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