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Showing results 21 to 40 of 144631 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009-09-015. Lembar Validasi. Efisiensi Teknis dan Ekonomis Unit Penangkapan Muroami di Pulau Pramuka, Kabupaten Kepulauan SeribuIskandar, Mokhammad Dahri; Puspita, Puspita
2009-09-016. Lembar Validasi. Hidrodinamika Jaring Kejer Pada Kondisi Arus Dan Daya Apung Yang Berbeda Di Flume TankIskandar, Mokhammad Dahri; Zulkarnain, Zulkarnain; Prihadi, Singgih
2010-04-017. Lembar Validasi. Breaking Strength Benang PA Multifilamen 210D/6 Pada Penyimpanan Di Ruang TerbukaIskandar, Mokhammad Dahri; Prasetyo, Andhika Prima
2011The 7th asian crop science association conference : Improving food, energy and environment with better cropsBogor Agricultural University, IPB; Research center for bioresources and biotechnology
2010-05-018. Lembar Validasi. Selektivitas Celah Pelolosan Pada Bubu Tambun Terhadap Ikan Kepe-Kepe (Chaetodon actofasciatus) dengan Menggunakan Metode Cover NetIskandar, Mokhammad Dahri
2010-06-019. Lembar Validasi. Pengaruh Daya Apung Pelampung Dan Ukuran Mata Jaring Goyang ( Jaring Insang Dasar ) Pada Kondisi Arus Yang Berbeda Terhadap Tinggi Jaring Pada Pengamatan di Flume TankIskandar, Mokhammad Dahri; Rifki, Muhammad Rifki
2009A Bayesian Network Approach for lmage SimilarityHerdiyeni, Yeni; Pebuardi, Rizki; Buono, Agus
2007A begomovirus associated with ageratum yellow vein disease in Indonesia: evidence for natural recombination between tomato leaf curl Java virus and Ageratum yellow vein virus-[Java]T. Kon; K. Kuwabara; Hidayat, S.H.; M. Ikegam
2023-07-31A Business Agility Model of the Indonesian Chicken Meat IndustryMachfud; Sukardi; Noor, Erliza; Purnomo, Dwi; Ali, Puti Retno
2009A Case Study of Organic of Rice Production System and Soil Carbon Storage in West Java, IndonesiaKomatsuzaki, Masakazu; Syuaib, M.Faiz
2009A Case Study of Organic of Rice Production System and Soil Carbon Storage in West Java, IndonesiaKomatsuzaki, Masakazu; Syuaib, M.Faiz
2009A case study of organic rice production system and soil carbon storage in West Java, IndonesiaMasakazu Komatsuzaki; Syuaib, M. Faiz
2010A case study on forest harvesting, damage, structure and composition dynamic changes of the residual stand for dipterocarps forest in East Kalimantan, IndonesiaElias
2022A Cellulose Triacetate-Based Optode Membrane for Cr(VI) Detection in Water: Fabrication and CharacterizationArif, Zulhan; Rohaeti, Eti; Munandar, Rafly
2021A comparative analysis of work values, job interest and willingness to apply on-farm occupation between IPB University and UPM studentsSukmawati, Anggraini; Afendi, Farit M; Ermis, Sri Nur Elita
2022-07-13A Comparative Study of GARCH, LSTM, and Hybrid GARCH-LSTM Models for Analyzing the Dynamical Pattern of Stock Price VolatilitySoleh, Agus Mohamad; Notodiputro, Khairil Anwar; Mualifah, Laily Nissa Atul
2014-10A Comparison of Backpropagation and LVQ : a case study of lung sound recognitionSyafria', Fadhilah; Buono, Agus; Silalahi, Bib Paruhum
2023-07-06A Comparison of Microcellulose and Nanocellulose as A Matrix Polymer Reinforcement Agent: A Meta-analysisFahma, Farah; Jayanegara, Anuraga; Susanto, Aspar
2010A Comparison of the developmental and reproductive biology of two soybean pod borers, Etiella spp. in IndonesiaR.P. Edmonds; J.H. Borden; N.P.D. Angerilli; Rauf, A.
2005A comparison of two progestins on myocardial Ischemia-reperfusion injury in ovariectomized monkeys receiving estrogen therapySuparto, Irma H.; Koudy Williams, J.; Fox, Jamie L.; Vinten-Johansen, Jakob