Per:anan Modal Sosial Untuk Meningkatkan Partisipasi Komunitas Dalam Program Corporate Soscial Responsibility (CSR)
Corporate social responsibility is a matter that must be executed by a company in the running of its activities. Landfills also Star Bank of Mangrove (BSBM) is a form of Implementation of CSR PT PLN (persero). CSR principles are duly supported by the participation of the community, but based on the results found in the field showed that, public participation is very low. Community participation is very low result of community organizing less effective. However, it can be said that the implementation of CSR programs run properly, because the form of cooperation or a network built by the citizens of the community very well. Such cooperation is an important part of the social capital of the community. The methodology used in this study is a qualitative methods and quantitative methods, carried out through in-depth interviews and dissemination of the questionnaire.