Analisis rantai pasok Biji Kakao di Kecamatan Kalukku Kabupaten Mamuju (kasus : petani program Nestle Cocoa Plan PISAgro)
The increasing of cocoa processing investment was not followed by the increased of cocoa bean production and quality improvement. Supply chain approach could become a solution for these problems. The research aimed in identififying Nestle Cocoa Plan (NCP) and traditional cocoa supply chain in Kalukku, comparing the perfomance of NCP and traditional cocoa supply chain in Kalukku and identifying the implementation of PISAgro vision in supply chain NCP program. Purposive sampling technique was applied to observe and interview the farmer, proceed with the snowball sampling to study the marketing institution. The study showed that Nestle Cocoa Plan cocoa supply chain had better performance than that of traditional cacao supply chain, and it has applied the PISAgro vision.
- UT - Agribusiness [4618]