Uji Beda Ketebalan Integrasi pada Pantulan Pertama dan Kedua Hasil Deteksi Akustik
Bottom waters are habitat of biota and vegetation. Basic data retrieval waters using hidroakustik data retrieval in the Seribu Islands aims to analyze the differences in the thickness of the integration of the first echo (E1) and second echo (E2) based on the detection of Acoustic Backscattering Volume. The data obtained is then processed and analyzed using the program Echoview 4.0. Classification bottom waters at station 8 grabs done by Acoustic backscattering values of E1 and E2 Volumes bottom waters. Based on the data processing, in getting the results that 5 of 8 observation stations have muddy sand substrate and the other 3 in the form of sand. SV maximum value of 0,10 meters in thickness integration is -9,05 dB, the minimum value is -56,20 dB. For the integration of 0,20 meters thickness, the maximum value in the SV is equal to -8,02 dB get, with a minimum value of -54,59 dB. As for the SV maximum and minimum values on the thickness of the integration of 0,30 meters respectively are -8,02 dB and -53,32 dB.