Interaksi Pertumbuhan antara Shorea selanica dan Gnetum gnemon dalam Media Tanam dengan Konsentrasi Cocopeat yang Berbeda
Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon) can be categorized in a tolerant and intolerant condition, a species that can be combined with melinjo is meranti bapa (Shorea selanica). The objectives research are to compare the growth of S. selanica and melinjo which were planted separately and they were combined in a polybag, also to get information the best cocopeat media concentration that can improve the growth of S. selanica and melinjo. This research using complete random design with two factors. The first factor is the pattern of planting by 2 levels, i.e pattern of planting 1 (S. selanica or melinjo) and pattern of planting 2 ((S. selanica and melinjo). The second factor is cocopeat concentration in media with four levels. Those are 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%. The result showed that the root growth of S. selanica and melinjo were better planted by first pattern of planting than second pattern of planting. Crown growth of S. selanica and melinjo that were planted in first and second pattern of planting, showed there were no significant difference, so S. selanica and melinjo can be combined in agroforestry planting pattern. Cocopeat concentration 10% could increase shoot growth of S.selanica, cocopeat concentration 20% could increase shoot growth of melinjo and cocopeat consentration 30% could increase root growth of melinjo. Cocopeat concentration showed the variation result towards root growth of S.selanica
- UT - Silviculture [1361]