Pengelolaan Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) dengan Aspek Khusus Pemanenan di Kebun Sei Batang Ulak PT Ciliandra Perkasa Kampar Riau
Palm management thesis was carried out to study the cultivation of palm oil in general, in particular to understand the various aspects and factors which support the process of harvesting of oil palm. Thesis (internships) in palm oil plantations, PT Ciliandra Perkasa, First Resources Ltd., village Siabu, district of Kampar regency, Salo, Riau Province, during a four month is the month of February to June 2013. This thesis Plantations underway in using direct and indirect methods. The direct method is used to collect data and information with the interview. The indirect method is a method used to acquire secondary data from the plantations. Results of the analysis of several factors that support the harvesting on afdeling V in general have shown good results. These factors include the harvest criteria with an average of 2 kg-1 item, total harvest labor has labor needs afdeling, 6/7 harvest rotation, and efficiency of harvest showed good results with efficiency >95%. However, the value of the number density of crops still under 15% with an average of 11.77% and the supervision and monitoring of the quality of hanca still less than optimal. Results of comparative analysis of some variables between afdeling I and V differ markedly on the production of fresh fruit bunches of 1485.8 kg/ha (afdeling I) and 1011.7 kg/ha (afdeling V), fruit off 165.5 kg/ha (afdeling I) and 45.5 kg/ha (afdeling V), weight per bunch 11.0 kg/ha (afdeling I) and 13.8 kg/ha (afdeling V), oil production 1651.4 kg/ha (afdeling I) and 1084.9 kg/ha (afdeling V) achievements of kg 1608.7 kg/ha (afdeling I) and 1288.2 kg/ha (afdeling V), and the achievements of ha 3.2 ha/person (afdeling I) 4.8 ha/person (afdeling V) however did not differ markedly on the number of trees, number of bunches of tree, bunches and bunches of accomplishment. It shows that the afdeling I better compared to the comparison of afdeling V based on the topographic form afdeling I flat to wavy and bumpy and hilly afdeling V.