Sistem pemasaran karet rakyat di Provinsi Jambi dengan pendekatan Structure, Conduct, Performance (SCP)
The marketing system of rubber smallholders in Jambi Province with Structure, Conduct, Performance (SCP) Approachment
Amalia, Dwi Nurul
Nurmalina, Rita Nurmalina
Rifin, Amzul
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Rubber is the main commodity from Jambi Province. Most (80%) of rubber plantation is smallholders plantation. Most (95%) of rubber production is exported to the world market. In the rubber market, increased price at exporters level is not followed by farmers level. However, the high price of rubber at the world level has not been transmitted by the rubber farmers in Jambi Province. It is shown from the volatility of rubber prices during the year 2008 to the year 2013, the increase in the price level of crumb rubber factory (exporters) are large enough not followed by an increase in the price of farm level. The fundamental problem for majority of rubber farmers in Jambi Province is weak bargaining position of farmers in the pricing process. Market condition will affect the behavior of a marketing agency and the determination of price. However, how to respond and how fast the price changes which are responded by marketing agencies will be identified through analysis of market performance. Based on these problems, it is necessary to smallholder rubber marketing system analysis approach to structure, conduct, performace (SCP). The aims of this study are to 1) analyze the market structure of rubber smallholders in Jambi Province, 2) describe the market conduct of rubber smallholders in Jambi Province, 3) analyze the market performance of rubber smallholders in Jambi Province. The analysis used are the descriptive and quantitative analysis of SCP approachment. Quantitative data processing use software Microsoft Excel 2007 and Eviews 6. The analysis showed that the market structure that faced by rubber farmers in Jambi Province is oligopsonistic. This is caused the market condition at the exporters level was concentrated with a small level of competition (CR4 = 75.70 %). The amount of market power possessed crumb rubber plant will affect the behavior of a marketing agency in the lower level shown in the behavior of the market (market conduct). Institution and practices of marketing function involved are farmers, village collectors, subdistrict collectors, province trader, rubber auction market and crumb rubber factory (exporters). The marketing function is exchange function, physical function and facilities function. Rubber marketing channel in Jambi Province consist of 5 channels. The first channel is farmer-rubber auction market-crumb rubber factory (exporters). The second is farmer-village collectorrubber auction market-crumb rubber factory (exporters). The third is farmervillage collector-province trader-crumb rubber factory (exporters). The fourth is farmer-sub district collector-province trader-crumb rubber factory (exporters) and the fifth channel is farmer-crumb rubber factory (exporters). Dependence of farmers on the collector due to the limmitations of the farmer in gainning access to market information and financial source. This causes weak bargaining position of farmers in the pricing process. Conditions of oligopsony market structure is faced by farmers and the weak bargaining position of farmers in pricing process will affect the performance of the market. It it proved by the share price of rubber received by farmer still low (< 60%) with relatively high margin. This condition is caused by dependence of farmers to collector and limited facilities and infrastructure owned by farmers with the result that all of farmers do not changed the value added of rubber product. On the other hand, vertical market integration analysis showed that rubber price at the farmer market is not integrated with the rubber price at village collectors, subdistrict collectors and crumb rubber factory market. Its meaning rubber price changes in the level of village collectors, subdistrict collectors and crumb rubber factory at this time and the previous time does not affect rubber price in farmers level. This suggest that farmers tend to be price taker in the short and long term (price taker). The SCP approachment has shown that the rubber market increased price at exporters level is not followed by price at farmers level. This condition illustrates that rubber marketing system in Jambi Province inefficient showed by marketing marjin, farmer share and vertical market integration. In an effort to improve the bargaining position of farmers is through the empowerment of farmer groups on an ongoing basis. In addition, the role of government in ensuring infrastructure, appropriate price control and inform the development of the market price (local and world) as well as facilitate partnerships with farmers directly crumb rubber factory. Although currently constructed farmers cooperation with crumb rubber factory has been there, but it is expected there is an increase and change in order to provide certainty for farmers rubber prices. This can be done through a system of factory management professional crumb rubber and rubber quality improvement so that the farmer can improve the bargaining position of farmers in the pricing process.
- MT - Economic and Management [3013]