Perlakuan invigorasi untuk meningkatkan mutu fisiologis dan kesehatan benih padi hibrida intani-2 selama penyimpanan
Invigoration treatment to improve seed physiological quality and health of intani-2 hybrid rice seed during storage
Storage condition and pathogen infection of seed can cause seed deterioration quickly. The rate of deterioration during storage could be slowed by seed invigoration, and pathogen infection could be eliminated by application of natural pesticide. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of seed invigoration on seed physiological quality and health of Intani-2 hybrid rice seed during storage. All research activities were done at Quality Control and Plant Protection Laboratorium, PT. BISI International, Kediri, East Java from September 2012 until April 2013. The research consisted of four experiments, (1) Evaluation of seed invigoration using different materials and concentrations, (2) Phytotoxicity test of synthetic and natural pesticides, (3) Effectiveness of seed invigoration plus clove oil to improve seed physiological quality and health of deteriorated Intani-2 hybrid rice seed, and (4) Effect of seed invigoration plus clove oil on seed physiological quality and health of Intani-2 hybrid rice seed during storage. Seed invigoration was effective as seed treatment to increase viability on deteriorated Intani-2 hybrid rice seed, but was not effective to increase seed viability on further deteriorated Intani-2 hybrid rice seed. Seeds with different level of deterioration had different responses after invigoration treatment. Vitamin priming with ascorbic acid 10 ppm, osmoconditioning with KNO3 1% and hydropriming could be used to increase vigour index of lot 1. Vitamin priming with ascorbic acid 40 ppm could be used to increase vigour index of lot 2. Lot 1 and 2 were harvested on 18 April 2009 (41 months old) and 30 November 2011 (10 months old), respectively. These lots were stored at 15 ± 2 oC and RH 41 ± 2% before used. Clove oil 0.1-0.5% did not reduce seed physiological quality and did not cause leaf chlorosis, therefore, these can be used for seed treatment. Clove oil 1% caused negative effect on vigour index and germination percentage. Agrept 0.15% + Benlox 0.05% was toxic on seed that caused leaf chlorosis. All seed invigoration plus clove oil 0.3% could maintain seed physiological quality and health of Intani-2 hybrid rice seed for up to 3 months storage. Seed invigoration did not caused deterioration on seed physiological quality except vitamin priming with ascorbic acid 40 ppm which caused decrease in normal seedling dry weight at 3 months storage. Osmoconditioning with KNO3 2% + clove oil 0.3% was effective to increase vigour index of seed lot 2 and 3 for up to 3 months of storage. Osmoconditioning with PEG -0.2 MPa + clove oil 0.3% was effective to increase vigour index of seed lot 1 for up to 3 months of storage. All seed invigoration increased speed of germination before storage. Osmoconditioning with KNO3 2% + clove oil 0.3% and hydropriming + clove oil 0.3% suppressed Fusarium sp. infection at 1 month storage by 51.5% and 33.1%, respectively. Osmoconditioning with KNO3 2% + clove oil 0.3%, osmoconditioning with PEG -0.2 MPa + clove oil 0.3% and hydropriming + clove oil 0.3% were effective to reduce Aspergilus sp. infection on rice seeds by 28-52% monitored at 0 and 1 months storage. Vitamin priming with ascorbic acid 40 ppm + clove oil 0.3% and osmoconditioning with PEG -0.2 MPa + clove oil 0.3% were effective to reduce Xanthomonas sp. infection on rice seeds by 28-52% monitored at 0, 2 and 3 months storage. Kondisi lingkunagn simpan dan infeksi patogen menyebabkan benih lebih cepat mengalami kemunduran. Laju kemunduran benih selama penyimpanan dapat diperlambat dengan perlakuan invigorasi, sedangkan infeksi patogen pada benih dapat diatasi dengan memberikan pestisida nabati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mngetahui pengaruh perlakuan invigorasi dalammeningkatkan mutu fisiologis dan kesehatan benih padi hibrida Intani-2 selama penyimpanan.
- MT - Agriculture Technology [2326]