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dc.contributor.advisorShafruddin, Dadang
dc.contributor.advisorSetiawati, Mia
dc.description.abstractThe research was aimed to evaluate rearing tank productivity and system of rearing catfish integrated with nile tilapia and giant gourami. Treatment of the research was catfish rearing integrated with rearing of nile tilapia and giant gourami and flowed with the recirculation water at discharge of 1,5 lpm. A control was the catfish rearing with 50% water change every 3 days. Catfish at average length of 4.43±0.22 cm stocked at density of 667 fish/m2 to cemented rearing tank while the nile tilapia and giant gourami at average length of 4.12±0.34 cm dan 1.9±0.12 cm respectivelly stocked to the rearing pond at density of 24 fish/m2 dan 10 fish/m2 respectivelly. Feeding was applied to catfish rearing, while the gouramy and nile used wastes of the catfish rearing. The research result showed that the growth, biomass and feed efficiency of the catfish in the integrated rearing same as that of control, while the survival rate was lower. The presence of the nila tilapia and giant gourami could reduce total ammonia nitoged up to 23.14% and lead to higher economic benefit than the controlen
dc.titleProduktivitas Ikan Lele (Clarias sp.) pada Sistem Pendederan yang Terintegrasi dengan Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) dan Ikan Gurame (Oshpronemus goramy Lac.)en
dc.subject.keywordnile tilapiaen

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