Pengaruh gaya pengasuhan ibu terhadap tingkat kreativitas siswa progresif dan konvensional di Kota Depok
Influence of parenting style on students’ creativity in progressive and conventional elementary schools in Depok City
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Sari, Edianna Putri Mayang
Megawangi, Ratna
Hastuti, Dwi
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Creativity was very important. Family environment, such as parenting style, and school environment were predicted influencing creativity. Parenting style consists of authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive. Authoritative parenting style was predicted produce creative children. Likewise with the school environment, progressive school was also predicted produce creative students. Based on the statements above, the general purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of mothers’ parenting style on students’ creativity in progressive and conventional elementary schools in Depok City. The specific aims of this research were (1) to identify family and child characteristics, history of mothers’ parenting style, mothers’ parenting style, stimulation, mothers’ perception of the progressiveness, and students’ creativity level in the two types of schools, (2) to analyze the relationship between family and child characteristics, history of the mothers’ parenting style, mothers’ parenting styles, stimulation, mothers’ perception of the progressiveness, and students’ creativity, (3) to analyze the factors that affect creativity. It was a cross sectional study design which was conducted in two types of elementary schools in Depok City, progressive schools (3 schools) and conventional schools (2 schools). Schools were selected purposively and based on the Head of Education Office of Depok recommendation. This study was held in May and June 2012. Respondents were 4th and 5th grade students that were selected randomly from each school. The total sample was 150 students. Data was collected using questionnaires. History of mothers’ parenting styles and mothers’ parenting styles questionnaires were the same questionnaires that were modified from Parenting Practices Questionnaire (Robinson et al. 1995) and the Parental Authority Questionnaire (Bury 1991). Questionnaire of history of mothers’ parenting styles was filled by mothers, whereas questionnaire of mothers’ parenting style was filled by students. Creativity data was obtained by using the Figural Creativity Test (Munandar 2012a) and Verbal Creativity Test (Munandar 2012b). Data was analyzed by using t-test, Anova, Chi-Square, Pearson and Spearman, and also Ancova. Characteristics of the families of this study were two-thirds of mothers at early adulthood age in both types of schools. Based on Chi-Square test, there was significant relationship between mothers’ education level and types of schools. The average of total family income from progressive schools are higher than conventional schools and there was significant difference. Based on the number of children, families from progressive schools had more children than families from conventional schools and there was significant difference. The average age of students from progressive and conventional schools was 10.12 years old and 10.13 years old. More than half students of progressive schools were girls and more than half students of conventional schools were boys. Based on the results of the study, the majority of mothers from both types of schools apply the authoritative parenting style. Similarly, as seen from their parenting style, it turns out that the majority of the history of mothers’ parenting styles was authoritative too. Stimulation obtained by children through facilities at home and activities (extracurricular/course). Stimulation through facilities consisted of books, VCDs, many kinds of toys, sports, musical, and electronic equipment, and a map/atlas/globe. Results showed half of the students from progressive schools and almost half of the students from conventional schools had facilities between 101-200 items. Meanwhile, stimulation through activities were extracurricular/course that had been and was being participated by students. Students from progressive schools had joint extracurricular/course activities more than students from conventional schools, and there was significant. The results of the mothers’ perception of the progressiveness showed that mothers from progressive schools had progressive perception more than mothers from conventional schools, and there was significant difference. Students from progressive schools were more creative than those from conventional schools. T-test showed that there were significant differences in figural and verbal creativity in both types of schools. Based on Spearman correlation test, the boys would be raised with authoritarian parenting styles by their mothers. Based on Pearson correlation, families whose income were high then the mothers tent to raise their children with authoritative parenting style and were also allowed children to be able to participate in various activities, such as extracurricular/course. Pearson correlation test showed that a history of mothers’ parenting style in the past positively and significantly related to the mothers’ parenting style today. Based on Spearman correlation, the higher the mothers’ level of education she would have more progressive perception about schools. Results of Pearson and Spearman correlation test showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between the age of the child and figural creativity. Mothers’ education level and total family income were also positively and significantly associated with verbal creativity. There were positive and significant relationships between authoritative parenting styles, stimulation activities, and the mothers’ perception of the progressiveness with figural creativity. The results also showed positive and significant relationships between activities and the mothers’ perception of the progressiveness with verbal creativity. Type of school was also positively and significantly associated with figural and verbal creativity. It meant that progressive schools can produce student to be more creative both figural and verbal. Variables that positively affected figural creativity were aged of students, the number of children, and type of school. Variables affecting verbal creativity positively were mother education level, authoritative parenting style, activities (extracurricular/course), and type of school.
- MT - Human Ecology [2258]