Assesment of Developing Tanjung Lesung Tourism in order to increase society welfare
Kajian Pengembangan Pariwisata Tanjung Lesung dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat.
Tourism as one of the development sectors with multiple benefit can be driven as a source of government revenue as well as a means of increasing society welfare. One of the tourism priorities is Tanjung Lesung area which is located in Panimbang Sub District, Pandeglang District. The general objectives of the study was to get an alternative idea in developing tourism in order to increase society welfare through: (1) assesment of Tanjung Lesung tourism figure, especially commodity suppy and regional linkage using descriptive analysis, (2) analyzing the role of Tanjung Lesung tourism in society welfare using descriptive analysis and statistic value, analyzing income gap using Mann Whitney. In addition, effect of Tanjung Lesung activities to economic, social and environment aspects also done using descriptive analysis, (3) analyzing factors that influence society per capita income using OLS regression alanysis, and (4) deciding an alternative idea in developing Tanjung Lesung tourism area. The result shown that potency of commodity expenditure of Tanjung Lesung tourism activities reach Rp. 4,1 billion annually. Jakarta is the area that got the highest money flow for the commodity expenditure, i.e Rp. 2,5 billion annually 62,4 percent, while other surrounding area (Panimbang Sub District, Citeureup and Tanjungjaya Villages) got the lower of Rp. 447.115.608 annually 10,8 percent. The highest expenditure of commodities groups was for logistic 79,5 percent. Condition of society welfare around Tanjung Lesung Tourism Area is in level of middle and high. Statistical test shown that there was no significant difference in level of welfare and percapita income between groups of respondents who take activities in Tangjung Lesung Tourism Area and who do not. Regression analysis shown that factors that effect per capita income (Y) were family burden (X2) and dummy of side jobs (D_pekerjaan sampingan). Respondents’ perception said that Tanjung Lesung tourism economically had effected society and regional economy especially in business opportunity and investation as well as social problems. So far, Tanjung Lesung tourism has been kept the environment. Tourism development had been targetted to increased surrounding welfare. This research hopefully can be input of related stakeholders in developing Tanjung Lesung tourism as Special Economic Zone in the future.
- MT - Economic and Management [3013]