Perbandingan Metode Knowledge Graph dan Metode Conceptual Graph sebagai Teknik Representasi Teks Berbahasa Indonesia
Knowledge graph (KG) and conceptual graph (CG) methods are mathematical concepts that can be simplified to understand the content of a text. To determine the effectiveness of both methods, this thesis compares both of them. The objective of this research is to compare the knowledge graph and conceptual graph methods in representing the Indonesian text. The Research carried out by analyzing sentences and creating graph on the sample sentences using both methods. The study states that the knowledge graph and conceptual graph methods can be applied as the Indonesian text representation techniques. Based on the aspect of the process, KG is easier than CG because KG has limited number of concepts and relationships. In the aspect of the results, KG has focused on the concept which is explained, meanwhile CG has focused on the concept which is explaining. Based on the aspect of long time goal, KG supports the automatical abstraction of text, effectively and efficiently, whereas CG does not yet support for abstraction. Knowledge graph method is more feasible for an automatic procedure.
- UT - Mathematics [1448]