Analisis Relasi Sosial antara Warga Masyarakat dengan Para Pemangku Kepentingan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak Terkait Akses Sumberdaya Hutan Lokapurna
The objectives of this research is, firstly, to analyze the history and dynamics of the access of local community over Lokapurna’s forest area. Secondly, to analyze the effect of changing social relations between local community and the stakeholders of Lokapurna’s forest of the Gunung Halimun Salak National Park. A survey method supported with qualitative data is applied. The results show that, first, up to present, the governance regime and property right of Lokapurna’s forest has been changing three times. Initially, the Lokapurna’s forest classified as protection forest of common pool state property, then changes to production forest of common pool private property, and lastly became conservation forest or national park of common pool state property. Second, the social relations between local community and their stakeholders are classified as “marginal”. The local community viewed the opportunity of cooperation and threat from their stakeholder as medium level