Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Partai X di Kabupaten Cianjur.
Strategy is a part of marketing. Strategy is an obligation when communicator begin to market the product to communican. In this case, X Party of Cianjur Distric thas two kind of strategy on their marketing communication when they campaign AB-AKI as candidate of Regent and Vice Regent for Cianjur District. Goal of this reseach were to analyze the appropriate marketing X Party on AB-KI‟s campaign as Cianjur‟s regent candidate . The research it self was conducted from May to June 2012. This research applies anylisis tools such as, the observation of of the descriptive analyze and chi square. The result of this research found there was a different opinion of image branding of AB-KI between the respondent and X Party‟s functionarist. Marketing strategy which did by Party X also was still inappropriate. Because most of respondent didn‟t get the access of those campaign by media. Media placement also didn‟t get good responce from respondent.