Penjadwalan Mata Kuliah Mayor-Minor: Studi Kasus di FMIPA IPB
A curriculum called a major-minor curriculum has been used at Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) in the last six years. Several problems have been identified during the implementation of curriculum, one of them is related to the course scheduling. The problem on course scheduling has become a main problem in the implementation of the curriculum, because it has been found that students from a particular major would not be able to take courses from his/her chosen minor, since the courses are scheduled at the same time. This study addresses the problem on course scheduling for the major-minor curriculum. This problem is modeled as an integer linear program. The model is implemented for scheduling case at FMIPA IPB. The development of the model is initiated by identifying the necessary requirements for the course scheduling. All of these requirements are then formulated as linear equalities and or inequalities. The objective function is to minimize the rejection indicators of lecturers related to the days and time period of courses in the schedule. Several assumptions are used in this model for simplification, one of them, for example all of the classrooms are assumed to be homogen (capacity, equipment, etc.). The model can be improved later by relaxing these assumptions. The solution of the model is obtained using LINGO 11.0. This study produces a scheduling for the course that fulfills all of the requirements for major-minor curricullum at FMIPA IPB. The scheduling minimizes the rejection indicators of lecturers related to the days and time period of courses in the schedule.
- UT - Mathematics [1459]