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dc.contributor.advisorTrisyulianti, Erlin
dc.contributor.authorAfani, Tri
dc.description.abstractBadan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) is an Depok public office services is one of the divisions that exist in Depok Mayor's Office. In the development of this organization requires human resources that are reliable and have a loyalty to serve well the Depok citizen. To manage the Human Resource needs a leader who is able to apply the appropriate leadership style in the work environment. This study aimed to identify leadership styles through employee perceptions, identify levels of employee loyalty and analyze the influence of leadership styles in Depok BKD employee loyalty. The study was conducted at BKD Depok. The data used consists of primary data and secondary data. The primary data obtained from the questionnaire all permanent employees at BKD Depok numbered 35 people with closed Likert scale and open interviews. Further validity and reliability. Secondary data was collected and collated through the study of literature through reading and studying literature, books, journals, theses and obtain data from the internet. Analysis using multiple linear regression with SPSS ver.15 data processing tools for Windows and Microsoft Excel 2007. Based on the research note that the leadership style of BKD in Depok on democratic leadership style of 4.27, 2.52 and free leadership style authoritarian leadership style 2.06. Then the level of employee loyalty in Depok BKD is equal to 4.10, especially the loyalty aspect of obedience and submission in the amount of 4.18 BKD Depok where employees are already well in obedience and compliance with all rules and regulations regarding the technical and job steps. If you want to improve employee loyalty to the democratic leadership style should be improveden
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleAnalisis pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap loyalitas pegawai pada badan kepegawaian Daerah Kota Depok.en

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