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dc.contributor.advisorLubis, Ahmad Darobin
dc.contributor.advisorRetnani, Yuli
dc.contributor.authorMerlina, Suci
dc.description.abstractWheat bran is a product that resulted with amount of 13% from wheat hulling processing into flour and have still in good nutrient content. Commonly, the utilization of wheat bran is limited, i.e. for a filler material of the bread and feed for ruminants or horses. For the poultry, especially broiler, wheat bran utilization is limited, because of high in its crude fiber. Therefore, required the processing technology to improved its utilization on poultry rations. Fermentation is one of the biological process by using the enzyme that it is produced by microbe. The objective of this experiment its to evaluate changing of nutrient content of wheat bran fermented using different level of Aspergillus niger. The research was carryout at Laboratory of Feed Science and Technology, Animal Science Faculty, Bogor Agricultural University, from May to June 2012. The materials that were utilized wheat bran and Aspergillus niger. The treatments were R0 (without addition of Aspergillus niger), R1 (with addition of 0.2% Aspergillus niger), R2 (with addition of 0.4% Aspergillus niger), and R3 (with addition of 0.6% Aspergillus niger). The experiment of design utilized Complete Randomized Design (CRD) by four treatments and four replications. The measured variables were the alteration of dry materials, ash, crude fiber, crude protein and crude fat. The data analyzed by ANOVA and followed by orthogonal contrast test (Steel and Torrie, 1997). The results showed that Aspergillus niger fermentation significantly (P <0.01) decreased dry matter, crude fat and NFE. However, significantly (P <0.05) increased ash, crude protein and crude fiber content. The used of Aspergillus niger starter with amount of 0.2% more efficient and economical because of the result were not significantly different with 0.4 and 0.6%.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectwheat branen
dc.subjectAspergillus nigeren
dc.titlePerubahan Kandungan Nutrient Wheat Bran yang Difermentasi Menggunakan Level Starter Aspergillus niger yang Berbeda.en

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