Diversity, Population Structure And Distribution Paterrn Of Syzygium In Gunung Baung, East Java
Keanekaragaman, Struktur Populasi dan Pola Sebaran Syzygium di Gunung Baung Jawa Timur
The research of Syzygium diversity, its population structure and the distribution patterns were conducted in Gunung Baung Nature Park, East Java. A total of five block locations, each comprising five transect sections, were purposively selected to obtain data of the taxon diversity, population stucture and distribution patterns. The importance value index, the individual number of each stratum (stage class) (i.e. seedlings, saplings, poles and trees) and variance-to-mean ratio were calculated. The principal component analysis, cluster analysis, multiple linear regressions and canonical correspondence analysis were performed to determine the relationships between abiotic and biotic factors in regard with the presence of Syzygium. There were six species of Syzygium in Gunung Baung, Pasuruan, namely S. cumini, S. polyanthum, S. littorale, S. pycnanthum, S. racemosum, and S. samarangense. The population structure of Syzygium varied considerably, only S. pycnanthum and S. racemosum had an ideal structure. This was presumably due to some problems faced by the genus in the process of regeneration, especially during the seedling phase. The distribution patterns of the Syzygium members were generally grouped prefering fertile sites on the slopes. Altitude and the number of bamboo clumps became the determinant (influencing) variables affecting significantly the existence of Syzygium in this mount.
- MT - Forestry [1441]