Pengoptimuman Ruang Terbuka Hijau dan Ruang Terbangun di Kota Bogor
Conversion of green open space to built space without planning will lead to the decrease of agricultural land and environmental degradation. The decrease in agricultural land and poor agricultural cropping patterns result in the reduction of food self-sufficiency ability of a region. It is therefore necessary to organize green open space and built space which supports food selfsufficiency program. This plan can be done using mathematical models. In this work we model the land use problem in the framework of a goal programming. The objective of this research is to optimize the built space, green open space, and agricultural cropping pattern in the City of Bogor. The program used to obtain the solution is LINGO 11.0. The optimal solution of the problem is expressed in term of optimum land use, optimum area of agricultural crops, deficit/surplus built space, deficit/surplus green open space, as well as the deficit/surplus consumption demand the fulfillment of local agricultural commodities. This information shows that the fulfillment built space and green open space target is achieved, while the target local consumption demand of farm crops is not reached. The results of this work can be utilized by the government of Bogor in determining land use policy.
- UT - Mathematics [1439]