Performa Produksi Ayam Arab Petelur yang Diberi Jamu Ternak Melalui Air Minum
This research was conducted on June until August 2011 in the Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University to evaluate the laying performance of Arab hens fed herbs mixture trough drinking water. Herbs mixture was composed from lesser galangal, garlic, ginger, galangal, turmeric, ginger, green betel leaves, cinnamon, molasses and effective microorganisms (EM4). All herb materials were incubated for 5 days. Readily use herbs mixture was given to the hens through dringking water for three consecutive days in a week during 6 weeks experiment. A total of 48 of Arab hens age 19 weeks were kept and subjected to 3 different treatments of herbal mixture addition in drinking water. The treatments were no herbal mixture (P0), 5 ml/day (P1) and 10 ml/day (P2). This research was designed completely randomized (CRD). Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the differences between treatments were tested by Duncan’s multiple range test. Variables measured were feed consumption, feed conversion, hen day production and mortality. The feed consumption revealed no significant differences among treatments. However, the feed conversion increased and hen day production decreased significantly at the higher level addition of herbal mixture. Herbs mixture showed no harmful effect on hens health.