Performa Mencit (Mus musculus) Jantan Lepas Sapih Umur 21-39 Hari dengan Pemberian Cacing Tanah (Lumbricus rubellus) sebagai Pakan Tambahan
The purpose of research was to analize the effect of worms (Lumbricus rubellus) as feed supplement to performance of 21-39 day old male mice. Variables that be observed were dry matter consumtion, 39 old day body weight, daily weight gain, feed conversion, and mortality. The treatments were P0 (consentrate/control); P1 (concentrate + 1 g worms/day); P2 (concentrate + 2 g worms/day). Consentrate and water was given by ad libitum. The result showed that the addition worms did not influence in all variables observed (P>0,05).