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dc.contributor.authorSidiq, F
dc.contributor.authorKristina, D
dc.contributor.authorKusumawati, P
dc.contributor.authorToharmat, T
dc.descriptionThe article, Published here in are proceeding of second international seminar on Animal Industry held in Jakarta, Indonesia 5-6 July 2012en
dc.description.abstractOligosaccharides in digestive tract stimulate the growth of some intestine lactobacilus bacteria and reduced phatogenic bacteria. Kernel palm meal (KPC) and banana peel (BP) are high in mannan and fructose based polisaccharides. Limited ferementation of these producs may produce olygosaccarides. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the dietary inclution of fermented palm kernel meal and banana peel on Salmonella typhimurium in the caecum of broiler. Experimental diets were: P0= Ration without BP, PKM, Bifidobacterium bifidum (Control); P1= Ration 2.5% BP; P2= Ration 2.5 % PKM; P3= Ration 2.5 % BP + B.bifidum, P4= Ration 2.5 % PKM+ B.bifidum. Ration conained 22% protein and 3050 kcal ME/kg. Experimental diets were allocated in a completely rendomized design with 5 replicates of 5 DOC each. At 14 days old, broiler were infected by Salmonella typhimurium and offered experimental diets.Weight gain, final body weight, carcass weight, carcass precentage, feed consumption and convertion, viscerals percentage and total colony of S.typhimurium in secum were evaluated. Weight gain, final body weight, carcass weight, carcass precentage, feed consumption and convertion, viscerals percentage of broiler offered ration contained BP, PKM and B. bifidum were not different from those of control. Percentage of liver, proventikulus, and jeujenum of broiler in P1 were smaller (P<0.05) than those of control. Total colony of S.typhimurium in secum of broiler in P1, P3, and P4 were smaller (P<0.05) than those of control. It was conluded that inclution of benana peel 2.5% in the broiler rations without B.bifidium inhibited S.typhimurium growth and increased body weight, weight gain, carcass weight, and improved feed convertion. Addition of B.bifidium into the ration did not improve the usefulness of banana peel as a source of prebioticen
dc.description.sponsorshipPublished by Faculty of Animal Science Bogor Agricultural Universityen
dc.publisherFaculty of Animal Science Bogor Agricultural University
dc.subjectbroiler, banan peel, palm kernel, S. typhimurium, B. bifidum,en
dc.titleReduction of Salmonella typhimurium in the Caecum of Broiler Offered Rations Containing Banana Peel or Palm Kernel Mealen

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  • Proceedings [2790]
    Proceedings of Bogor Agricultural University's seminars

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