Indeks Kerentanan Pantai Pangandaran Akibat Bencana Tsunami.
In year 2006 an earthquake took place in coast of southern West Java, which was followed by a tsunami attacking the coast of Pangandaran. Pangandaran is one of the most probable are which can be attack by huge tsunami wave. The similar phenomenon can happen in the coasts of other southern part of West Java Province include Pangandaran, so it needs the awareness in order to minimize the tsunami risk. The purposes of this research are to discus determine the vulnerability index coast of Pangandaran due to tsunami disaster impact. Boundary location of research in 7,75oS – 7,65oS and 108,55oE– 108,70oE. These research cover identifying characteristics coast of Pangandaran, seismic identification, tsunami modeling, and determination the vulnerability index. Seismic identification is determined by fractal method, tsunami numerical modeling is done through Imamura (1994) by wearing a long wave hydrodynamics mathematical equations, while determining the vulnerability index is determined by the method of Cell Based Modelling (CBM). The Pangandaran coasts have five zone of tsunami vulnerability, i.e. very high includes the coast of Babakan and Pangandaran Village (Pangandaran Subdistrict) then the coast of Cikembulan Village (Sidamulih Subdistrict). The high tsunami vulnerability zone includes the coast of Sukaresik Village (Sidamulih Subdistrict) and the coast of Pananjung Village (Pangandaran Subdistrict). The moderate tsunami vulnerability zone include the coast of Wonoharjo Village (Pangandaran Subdistrict). Zone of low and very low vulnerability are far enough away from the coastline, where its territory not bordering the sea. This zone includes the villages of Sidamulih, Cikalong, Pejanten, Purbahayu, Sidomulyo and Sukahurip. the village of Pangandaran located on the mainland which connects the mainland island of Java with Cape Pangandaran (isthmus) in place as the most dangerous zones. This is because the characteristics of the area provide a great influence to the hazard vulnerability tsunami.