Kebiasaan Makan dan Pengetahuan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Putri Peserta Pusat Informasi dan Konseling Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (PIK-KRR)
~ aim of this research was to observe food habit and knowledge of reproduction ftet{lth of female adolescence as participant and non partiscipant of Information cintre and Counseling of Adolescence Reproduction Health (PIK-KRR) at SMU 1 ;tiwa and SMK 1 Liwa. The specific objectives of this research were: 1) to study tIi socio-economy and demography of their family, 2) to observe their food habit, 3~to study their knowledge of nutrition 4) to study their knowledge reproduction hee.lth, 5) to analyze the relationship betwen socio~economy, food habit, k~wledge of nutrition and reproduction health. Reproduction readiness in a~lescence is influenced by physical readiness which is reflected from nutrition ail health status and mental readiness in the form of adolescence perception ai.:..>. ut reproduction health. This research used cross sectional design. The site of t~ research is determined using purposive sampling. The SMU 1 Liwa was cijbosen because this school has PIK-KRR and most of the graduates continue t'iir study to the higher level of education, and SMKN Liwa Lampung Barat was cioosen because this school does not have PIK-KRR yet and most of the gffiduates do not continue their study. Spearman's Correlation and t-test utilized t~know whether there were any difference in each variable in SMU and SMK s&.., dents. The results of the study show that, SMU female adolescence have better reproduction readiness than SMK female adolescence. There fore it is important for female adolescence to get correct information about nutrition, and reproduction health through formal or informal way.
- MT - Agriculture Technology [2283]