Kebijakan subsidi pupuk dan pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan dan distribusi pendapatan dalam perekonomian Indonesia
Fertilizer subsidy policy and its impact on growth and income distribution in the Indonesian economy
Hendrawan, Dudi Setiadi
Daryanto, Arief
Sanim, Bunasor
Siregar, Hermanto
Show full item recordAbstract
This study aims to analyze the role of fertilizer industry and the impact of fertilizer subsidy policy towards the value-added and income distribution, analyze the factors affecting the fertilizer subsidy policies, determine fertilizer subsidy model and fertilizer distribution system in implementing the policies of fertilizer in Indonesia. The methods of analysis used are Social Accounting Matrix (SAM), Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Bayes methods. Fertilizer industry contributes up to 1.64 percent to the GDP, respectively derived from the inorganic fertilizer industry 1.63 percent and the organic fertilizer industry 0.01 percent. The role of fertilizer sector towards the distribution of income in the economy based on its multiplier value is in accordance with agriculture and construction sectors. The multiplier value of organic fertilizer is 6.7319, which is greater than the multiplier value of inorganic fertilizer of 5.7021. Fertilizer subsidy policy scenario which is diverted to the agricultural infrastructure provides the highest impact on improving the total output of the economy. The direct to farmer policy scenario provides a better effect to the increase in labor income in the agricultural sector, farm households and a decrease in household income inequality. Subsidy policy scenario through a producer with a composition of 20 percent organic fertilizer and 80 percent inorganic fertilizers provides a better impact on the stability of the production of fertilizers and a decrease in income inequality in the production sector. The economic conditions are the most influential factor in the environment cluster. The availability of fertilizer subsidy is a priority objective. The type of fertilizer that is prioritized is the inorganic fertilizer. The actor who is prioritized in the fertilizer subsidy policy is the Ministry of Agriculture, and the supervision is a priority factor in running the fertilizer distribution system. The best subsidized model found is the fertilizer subsidy through the producer with direct distribution system conducted by the producer to the farmer where the composition of the subsidized fertilizer is 80 percent inorganic fertilizer and 20 percent organic fertilizer. Kontribusi sektor pertanian termasuk perikanan dan kehutanan terhadap PDB nasional pada tahun 2008 sebesar 14.4 persen menempati urutan kedua setelah sektor industri pengolahan. Selain itu, menurut Daryanto (2009), sektor pertanian mempunyai efek pengganda (multiplier effect) yang besar terkait dengan adanya keterkaitan ke depan dan ke belakang (forward and backward linkages) dengan sektor-sektor lainnya. Pupuk merupakan salah satu faktor produksi yang sangat menentukan produksi dan produktivitas pertanian. Oleh karena itu, ketersediaan pupuk di pasar baik dari segi kuantitas, kualitas dan harga yang terjangkau menjadi salah satu syarat yang harus dapat dijamin oleh pemerintah. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, pemerintah berupaya untuk menyediakan sarana produksi ini dalam jumlah yang relatif mencukupi kebutuhan dengan diimbangi harga yang terjangkau oleh kalangan pengguna pupuk. Hal inilah yang mendasari pemerintah memberlakukan subsidi pupuk bagi petani. Kebijakan subsidi pupuk mulai tahun 1960 sampai dengan sekarang, tetapi fakta di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan program pemberian pupuk bersubsidi oleh pemerintah belum dirasakan efektif mengingat belum tercapainya 6 tepat (jumlah, jenis, mutu, harga tempat, dan waktu). Ada beberapa hal yang diduga menjadi penyebabnya, yaitu pasar pupuk domestik masih bersifat dualistik, maraknya ekspor pupuk secara ilegal, adanya rasa fanatisme petani terhadap merk pupuk tertentu, masih banyak distributor pupuk yang tidak memiliki armada dan gudang penyimpanan di lini III (Syafa’at et al, 2006).