Analisis desain, konstruksi dan kinerja fyke net untuk penangkapan ikan karang ramah lingkungan
Analysis of design, construction and performance of fyke net for environmental friendly catching of reef fish
Assir, Andi
Purbayanto, Ari
Jaya, Indra
Monintja, Daniel R.
Show full item recordAbstract
Study on fishing operation of fyke net was conducted at reef waters at the west coast of Selayar Island from November 2008 to October 2010. The main objective of this research is to determine the best design and technical operation for environmental friendly catching of reef fish. Fyke net is chosen as an experimental fishing gear because its shape is a combination between basket trapnet ”bubu”, traditional fishing gear which is cosidered as environmental friendly fishing gear for catching coral reef fish and fence setnet (sero) shape. The first design of the experimantal fyke net follows the original shape, support with 5 rectangular steel frames and surrounding by 0.75 inch of webbing 5 m in length, 1.8 m in width and 1.2 m in height. It has two 2 m fixed and 15 m flexible extended wings. Unlike ”bubu”, fyke net has not use bait for attracting the fish, therefore the entrance of fyke net should be large enough to make the fish entering freely. In two months of operations the fyke net did not show satisfactory results because the fish moved back and forward through the entrance of fyke net easily and the main problem was bycatch of turtels, therefore the second fyke net was designed. The new feature of the second fyke net was playground with rectangular vertical opening. The size of the opening was 150 x 15 cm devided into seven small entrances in order to protect the turtles entering the gear. To keep the fish inside the playground some 40 cm cableties are tied at the frame of the entrance functioning as shieves. In two months of operations the second fyke net was show better results however the new problem was the weight of the gear became heavier because of the increase of diameter of steelframe used, therefore, the third fyke net was designed to find a lighter gear. The third fyke net was supported by a rectangular polyvinil chloride (PVC) tube frames combined by polyethylene ropes, covered by 1.25 inch of webbing. No more turtles was caught but more life reef fish was caught. To evaluate which design and methods of operation was better, three types of fyke nets and two methods of operations were examined. RAPFISH (Rapid Appraisal of Fish Status) is used to analyze which type of fyke net is the most suitable for reef fishing and to analyze the status of fyke net as an environmental friendly fishing gear. RAPFISH applies a statistical ordination technique called multi-dimensional scaling (MDS). Based on this analysis the third fyke net, lighter gear with PVC tube frames, shows the best value for it performance and technical operations, and fyke net is an environmental friendly fishing gear (value >50.0 in the range of 0 - 100). Ecological asapects gave the highest value for the status of fyke net as an environmental friendly fishing gear followed by ethical, technological, social and economical aspects. Studi tentang pengoperasian fyke net dilaksanakan di perairan karang pada pesisir barat Pulau Selayar dari Nopember 2008 hingga Oktober 2010. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat menentukan desain dan teknik pengoperasian terbaik dalam penangkapan ikan karang yang ramah lingkungan. Fyke net dipilih sebagai alat uji penangkap ikan karena bentuknya merupakan kombinasi antara bubu yang merupakan alat penangkap ikan tradisional yang diketahui ramah lingkungan dan bentuk sero. Bentuk asli fyke net adalah terdiri atas 5 ruangan yang dipisahkan oleh bingkai segi empat, bulat dan setengah bulat yang diselimuti oleh jaring polyethylene. Ukuran fyke net panjang 7-8 m, lebar 0,7 – 1,2 m dan tinggi 0,6 – 1,0 m. Terdapat paling sedikit dua pintu masuk bentuk corong yang merupakan jalan masuk satu arah yang kecil seperti pada perangkap. Terdapat dua sayap pendek dan penaju panjang tetapi kadang tidak digunakan pada kondisi perairan berarus kuat. Pada tempat asalnya alat ini dioperasikan secara menetap di dasar perairan dengan menggunakan tiang pancang dan menggunakan jangkar untuk pengoperasian secara berpindah. Desain fyke net yang pertama mengikuti bentuk yang asli, dengan 5 bingkai baja yang diselimuti oleh jaring bermata 0,75 inci dengan panjang 5 m, lebar 1,8 m, dan tinggi 1,2m. Terdapat dua sayap permanen yang pendek dan ditambah 15 m sayap lentur. Alat ini dipasang di dasar perairan menggunakan empat pasang jangkar 10 kg. Jangkar-jangkar tersebut terpasang secara permanen untuk pengoperasian secara menetap di antara terumbu karang. Fyke net dipasang pada tali jangkar menggunakan cincin. Alat ini diangkat ke perahu dan diturunkan ke dasar perairan secara vertikal.
- DT - Fisheries [726]