Penyusunan Tabel Volume Lokal Matoa (Pometia pinnata) di Areal Kerja IUPHHK-HA PT. Mamberamo Alasmandiri, Provinsi Papua.
The Local Volume Table Construction at IUPHHK-HA PT. Mamberamo Alasmandiri Work Area, Papua Province.
In construction the forest management plans, it need to be supported by stand tree volume data which are from an accurate forest inventory. The resulted accuracy of the forest inventory depends on several things, one of them is the availability of stand tree volume table. Tree volume table is constructed based on mathematical equations or models. The aim of this experiment is constructing a tree volume table for Pometia pinnata at IUPHHK-HA PT. Mamberamo Alasmandiri work area, Papua Province. Stand tree volume which is constructed in this research is the local tree volume table with tree diameter as independent variable. The volume estimation models are arranged in three forms of regression equations with a diameter as independent variable. The best model is obtained based on the criteria of statistical test in the reliabilitas and validaty of the model,that is coefficient of determination (R²), standard deviation (s), analysis of variants, the root mean square error (RMSE), refraction, average deviation (SR), the deviation aggregate (SA), and different test average khi-square (χ²). Based on these criteria, the best model matoa probe volume is V= with a value R² = 97,8%, s = 0,082, Fhitung = 4753,55, RMSE = 30%, refraction = 12%, SR = 21%, SA = 13,5%, and χ²=6,115. Untuk menyusun rencana pengelolaan hutan diperlukan data hasil inventarisasi hutan yang akurat. Keakuratan hasil inventarisasi hutan tergantung kepada beberapa hal, salah satunya adalah tersedianya tabel volume pohon untuk menduga volume pohon berdiri. Tabel volume pohon dibuat berdasarkan persamaan atau model matematis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun tabel volume pohon jenis Pometia pinnata di areal kerja IUPHHK-HA PT. Mamberamo Alasmandiri, Provinsi Papua. Adapun jenis tabel volume pohon yang dibuat adalah tabel volume pohon lokal dengan diameter pohon sebagai peubah bebasnya. Model penduga volume pohon disusun dalam 3 bentuk persamaan regresi dengan diameter sebagai peubah bebas. Model terbaik diperoleh berdasarkan kriteria uji statistik untuk keterandalan dan keabsahan model, yaitu koefisien determinasi (R²), simpangan baku (s), analisa keragaman, akar rata-rata kuadrat simpangan (RMSE), bias, simpangan rata-rata (SR), simpangan agregat (SA), dan uji beda rata-rata khi-kuadrat (χ²). Berdasarkan kriteria tersebut, model penduga volume matoa terbaik adalah V= dengan nilai R² = 97,8%, s = 0,082, Fhitung = 4753,55, RMSE = 30%, bias = 12%, SR = 21%, SA = 13,5%, dan χ²=6,115.
- UT - Forest Management [3072]