Planning A Sustainable Landscape Area Of Agro-Tourism In The Region Of Gunung Leutik, Bogor
Perencanaan Lanskap Agrowisata Berkelanjutan
Indonesia as an archipelagic country has a natural potential to be developed as a tourism attraction development. One of the tourism potential that can be developed is agro- tourism. Bogor region has an agricultural land managed by the unit of society and agriculture corporate. One of the farming community center is area of Gunung Leutik, Benteng Village, Ciampea, Bogor. Gunung Leutik Area Tourism has 41.4 hectares which is divided into three units, including education area of Pesantren Darul Fallah agriculture land bussiness area, and Gunung Leutik region. The existence of cultivation areas with interesting scenery, residential area and Islamic education area are potential landscape to develop as tourism object and attractions. General aim is to planning a sustainable landscape area of agro-tourism in Gunung Leutik region, that support agriculture tourism activities and environmental education. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. Quantification was performed to assess the suitability of agricultural land use for certain types of physical plant and the suitability of agricultural tourism using the land evaluation guidelines of Soil and Agro-climate Research Center of Bogor (2008). The planning approach is sustainable tourism. Stakeholder approach is carried out through stakeholder analysis derived from previous research. The main concept is to create sustainable landscape by developing agro-tourism based on physical environment to maintain its quality and increasing local communities welfare. Gunung Leutik potentially be developed as a sustainable agro-tourism area. Development of sustainable landscapes agriculture requires the integration of tourism, cultivation and education activity space. The sustainability of tourism in the region through the development of low external input sustainable agriculture (LEISA). Development of sustainable agriculture tourism is divided into tourism activities integrative zones based on the type of utilization. The zone includes : active, passive and buffer zone. Through tourism activities that involve all stakeholders make landscape ecologically and economically sustainable. Obyek wisata merupakan salah satu sumber devisa potensial selain sektor migas. Indonesia sebagai suatu negara kepulauan memiliki potensi alam yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai daya tarik potensial untuk pengembangan pariwisata. Salah satu potensi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan di Indonesia adalah wisata berbasis pertanian. Rangkaian kegiatan pertanian dari budidaya sampai pasca panen dapat dijadikan daya tarik tersendiri bagi kegiatan pariwisata. Kabupaten Bogor memiliki sentra-sentra pertanian mandiri yang dikelola oleh unit masyarakat maupun korporasi pertanian. Salah satu sentra pertanian masyarakat di kabupaten Bogor adalah kawasan Gunung Leutik, Desa Benteng, Ciampea, Bogor. Kawasan Wisata Gunung Leutik memiliki luasan 41,4 Ha yang terbagi menjadi tiga unit, antara lain a) Unit I seluas 11,8 ha yang merupakan area pendidikan dan permukiman pesantren; b) Unit II seluas 15,1 ha merupakan lahan usaha Pesantren; dan c) Unit III seluas 14,5 ha yang merupakan kawasan perkampungan masyarakat Gunung Leutik. Keberadaan kawasan budidaya pertanian (tanaman, peternakan, dan perikanan darat) yang ditunjang dengan kondisi lingkungan menarik (panorama alam), kawasan permukiman yang erat dengan pertanian, serta kawasan pendidikan islam yang berorientasi pertanian, merupakan potensi yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai obyek dan atraksi wisata berbasis pedidikan lingkungan, pertanian dan bernuansa islami.
- MT - Agriculture [3787]