Perawakan Anak Umur 4-19 Tahun di Kota Bandung
Somatotype in Indonesia had not been studied in Bandung City. The study aims to determine the physique of children aged 4-19 years in Bandung City and to see the physique development of children in each age class. It is carried out in girls and boys age 4-19 years old in Bandung City by Heath-Carter method. Girls had more endomorph component, while boys had more ectomorph component. Somatotype component of children aged 4-6 years both girls and boys are endomorphic-mesomorph. The correlation of Body Mass Index (BMI) to endomorph was higher in girls than in boys. Somatotype of girls and boys changed with age. Endomorph component in girls and ectomorph component in boys increased, but mesomorph component in both sexes decreased until the age of 19 years.
- UT - Biology [2160]