Studi Histopatologi Insang, Usus Dan Otot Ikan Gurami (Osphronemus gouramy) Akibat Infestasi Parasit Protozoa Di Desa Carangpulang Dramaga Bogor
The aim of the research was to find out the histopathological lesions of gouranzy fish gills, intestines, and muscles from Carangpulang Village Bogor. Fifteen fishes about a year old wlere used as sample in this research. Histopathological examination was done by lzenzatoxiilin and eosin stain (HE). Microscopically, gill was the izostc ommon organ with pathological lesions. Gill was ofen infected by flagellum protozoa parrrsites, such as Ichthyobodo sp, Myxozoa (Hennegujla sp and Myxobolus sp) and unidentified protozoa. In intestines, no specijic pathological change was found, while in muscle tissue hyaline and vacuola degenerations as well as necrotic lesions were commonly detected. Based on all findings mentioned above, the lesion of gill fishes were inzcted by protozoa Ichthyobodo sp and myxozoa which can cause ichthyobodosis. Moreover, we suggest that a non infectious agent such as chemical polutans as one of the caused of oedema, telangiectasis and thickening of lamella of the gills.