Analisis permintaan daging sapi di Indonesia
The observation has purpose (1)To analize the influence of the price meat import meat (2) To analize the influence of riel value (3) To analize the influence of offering domestic meat (4) To Analize the influence of consumption domestic meat (5) To analize the influence of income. The obervation held first month of June untill last month of June 2008 the data which used secondary from Badan Pusat Statistik. The observation analized by quantitatif description to describe variable offering meat import and qualitatif by Cobb Douglas model which linier double log transformation which used Microsoft Excel and software Eviews 4.1. The result of this observation are (1) the amount of R2 Value is 96,43% it's mean the variation of variable can be explained like liniear by the variable free. (2) On test F shown 0,00001 which has value more litle than rate of real which used is a=5% it means the value shown that the similarity significant enough to explain the variable which used. (3) the amount elastisity shown degree of feeling variable dependent on similarity to changing of variable independent (4) In test of econometrics the similarity have not problem auto corelation heteroskedastisity and multikolinieritas (5) The variables which have negative influence to meat import requirement is value riel changing the price of meat import, and meat domestic offering (6) The variables which have positive influence to meat cow import is meat consumption and income per capity of people