Tingkat partisipasi perempuan terhadap simpan pinjam kelompok perempuan (SPP) program nasional pemberdayaan masyarakat mandiri (PNPM-M) perdesaan (Desa Dramaga, Kecamatan Dramaga, Kabupaten Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat )
The purpose of this research are knowing the level of women’s participation in the implementation of the Women’s Group Savings and Loans Program (SPP). Then analyzed the biggest factor that affect women’s participation on SPP in Dramaga Village related with refund loans. This research used quantitative supported by qualitative methods with explanatory research type. This research conducted in the Dramaga Village, Dramaga Subdistrict, Bogor Regency. Respondent in this research were 37 people. The data analyzeds with quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Quantitative data processing used multiple linear regression test to measure the effect of driving factors on the level of participation of women members of the SPP. The research showed that 89 percent of SPP member’s participation rate still at the low category. While the driving factors significantly affect the level of participation, with p value= 0,076<α 0,1. The driving factors consist of willingness, ability and opportunity. From these three factors the most influential factor the ability, where p value= 0,079<α 0,1.